
  • 网络geomembrane;composite geomembrane;geotextile;HDPE;LDPE
  1. 土工膜应变计的研制及其应用(II):应用

    Development of geomembrane strain gauge and its application ( II ): Application

  2. 东川坝塘水库土工膜联接段SR防渗体系止水技术与应用

    SR seepage prevention system and its application in geomembrane connection at Batang dam

  3. PE土工膜在防洪堤中的应用设计

    Application of Polyethlene Geomembrane in Flood Protective Bank

  4. 防渗漏抗冻胀PVC复合土工膜的研制

    The Development of PVC Compound Geomembrane with Seepage Prevention and Frost heave Resistance

  5. HDPE土工膜温度应力及其应力松弛评价

    Evaluation of temperature stress and stress relaxation properties of HDPE sheet

  6. 复杂荷载作用下填埋场HDPE土工膜受拉计算

    Calculation of tension in HDPE geotechnical membrane under complicated loads

  7. 奥林匹克水上公园工程HDPE土工膜防渗技术

    Beijing Olympic Aquatic Park HDPE Geomembrane Seepage Prevention Technology

  8. HDPE土工膜在国家储备粮库地面防潮层的应用

    The application of HDPE geotextile in floor damp-proof course of national grain storage

  9. HDPE土工膜用于水泥混凝土灌溉渠道修复施工

    On using of HDPE geomembrane in repairing construction of cement concrete irrigation canal

  10. PE复合土工膜作为一种新型结构的防渗型土工合成材料,在水利工程上广泛应用。

    As a new impervious synthetic geotechnical material , PE compound geomembrane has been widely applied to water conservancy construction .

  11. HDPE土工膜温度应力的试验研究

    Experimental study on temperature stress of HDPE geomembrane

  12. LDPE土工膜液胀极限荷载的工程仿真实验

    Simulation test for Mullen burst limit load of LDPE geomembrane

  13. HDPE土工膜存在各向异性。

    HDPE geomembrane has character of anisotropy .

  14. 基于RS-485总线的土工膜水力性能测试仪研制

    Research and manufacture of geomembrane waterpower test instrument based on RS-485 bus

  15. 分析了土工膜防渗层结构优化设计中的主要因素,采用VISUALBASIC语言编制了优化设计软件。

    Based on analyses of major influence factors of the optimum design for a geomembrane anti seepage structure , an optimum design software for the structure is developed by using Visual Basic .

  16. 介绍了HDPE土工膜的基本特性以及在垃圾填埋场应用中的设计和施工要点。

    Its basic characteristics and main points for design and construction of land fill are introduced in the paper .

  17. 通过对几种人工合成材料的比较,阐述了高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)土工膜在生活垃圾填埋场防渗层中应用的优越性。

    The superiority of HDPE used in barrier layer of landfill was expatiated through the comparison of several manmade composite materials .

  18. DM-8W土工膜在土石坝防渗中的运用及结构设计

    Application and Structure Design of DM-8W Geomembrance in Seepage Control of the Earth and Stone Mixture Dam

  19. 土工膜(GM)+压实性粘土(CCL)的复合防渗层在固体废物填埋场的防渗系统中已较为常用,它的防渗效果比单独的GM或CCL要好得多;

    It is common that composite impervious layers of GM + GCL , which are superior to only GM or CCL , are used in solid waste landfills .

  20. 实验结果表明:HDPE土工膜的温度应力伴随环境温度的变化而变化,当环境温度下降时将导致HDPE土工膜收缩产生温度应力;

    Test results show that the temperature stress within the high density polyEthylene ( HDPE ) sheet changes with environment temperature . The temperature stress within the HDPE sheet occurs when environment temperature decreases ;

  21. 采用FLAC程序对典型荷载作用下城市垃圾填埋场HDPE土工膜的受力状况进行了计算分析。

    A finite difference analysis using the computer code FLAC was conducted for a landfill , in order to investigate the tensile stress level of HDPE geotechnical membrane under typical loading conditions in the landfill .

  22. HFT-3型土工膜水力性能测试主机的研制

    Research and Manufacture of HFT-3 Testing Instrument ' Master for Waterpower about Geomembrane

  23. 结果表明,(1)应变片对PVC、LLDPE、HDPE三种防渗土工膜均存在约束效果,弹性模量大的材料所受约束较小。

    The results indicate that : ( 1 ) It is found that Strain gauge has a binding effect on antiseepage geomembrane PVC , LLDPE , HDPE , and the bigger elastic modulus of the material has , the smaller restraint is subjected to .

  24. 研究发现对于挥发性有机化合物甲苯,土工膜和GCL组成的复合衬里的浸出液总量要比土工膜和较厚粘土衬里组成的复合衬里大好几个量级。

    As for toluene , it was shown that the cumulative mass discharged from the GCL composite liner was several orders of magnitude greater than that from composite liners having a thicker soil liner .

  25. 对于同样的复合衬层,若膜的扩散系数达到1.0×10-12m2·s-1,则膜分配系数只需达到5即可忽略土工膜作为有机污染物扩散屏障的作用。

    When the diffusion coefficient of the geomembrane is 1.0 × 10 - 12 m 2 · s - 1 and the partition coefficient of the geomembrane is 5 , the diffusion barrier of the geomembrane can be neglected for the composite liner recommended in the American standard .

  26. 介绍海拔4000m,最低气温达零下35℃,地震烈度为8度的青海省温泉大(Ⅱ)型水库土石坝,应用复合土工膜防渗的选型、施工方法及效果分析。

    In connection with the Wenquan reservoir located at 4000 m above sea level in Qinghai Province and with a lowest temperature of 35o below zero and a seismic intensity of 8 degrees , the paper introduces the type selection , construction method and effect analysis for application of geomembrane .

  27. 土工膜损伤特性及其应用研究

    Study on the Damage Characteristics of Geomembrane and Its Engineering Application

  28. 土工膜做浆砌石重力坝防渗体的研究

    Applied Research on Geomembrane in Stone Masonry Dams as Impervious Devices

  29. 复合土工膜土石坝渗流分析

    Seepage Analysis on Composite Geomembrane in Seepage Control of Embankment Dam

  30. 复合土工膜厚度计算方法的应用比较分析

    Application and Comparison Analysis of Calculating Methods of Composite Geomembrane Thickness