
  1. 蒸煮食品包装袋用测试仪器对比

    Comparison of testing machines to the cooking food-packaging pouch

  2. 热风法主要起干燥作用,全粉为生制品,属低RAG、GI食品原料,经蒸煮成为中等GI食品。

    Hot air could dry the whole Pueraria powder to become a low-RAG and low-GI raw material . However after cooking , it changed to a middle-GI food .

  3. 对籼米米果质量影响比较大的因素是:生坯二次干燥后的水分含量、米粉的蒸炼(蒸煮)时间、食品添加剂的种类及用量。

    The moisture content of unbaked rice cracker blank after second drying , the time for steaming rice flour and the kinds and quantity of food additives applied were the three main factors that would affected the product quality .

  4. 吊筐是蒸煮锅专用,蒸煮食品、肉类产品,二次消毒灭菌使用。

    It have two kinds , one is common , the other is used with hoisting .