
  1. 种粮农户基本享受到了粮食直补、农资综合直补和良种补贴三项补贴,但农机具购置补贴的覆盖率却不高。

    Grain farmers have get grain direct subsidy , agricultural comprehensive direct subsidy and seed subsidy , but the coverage of machinery purchases subsidy is not high .

  2. 在提高粮食产量、人均粮食占有量和提高种粮积极性方面,生产性专项补贴与农资综合直补比粮食直补更有成效。

    Productive special subsidies and agricultural comprehensive direct subsidy are better than grain direct subsidy in improving grain yield , per capita occupancy of grain and grain enthusiasm .

  3. 农户认为直补(粮食直补+农资综合直补)政策是提高他们种粮积极性的第一位因素,对其有较高认可度。

    Farmers think " direct subsidies "( grain direct subsidy + agricultural comprehensive direct subsidy ) are their first factor to improving their enthusiasm , its reading of approval of farmers is higher .