
  • 网络Agricultural history
  1. 关于壮族稻作农业史研究的几个问题

    Some Problems concerning the Research on zhuang Nationality 's Rice Growing Agricultural History

  2. 学科门户智能搜索引擎的设计与构建&农业史门户搜索引擎的实验

    Design and Construction of Intelligent Search Engine based on Subject Portal : the Experiment of Agricultural History Portal 's Search Engine

  3. BobFrydenlund说拥有一个圆形的畜棚意味着使美国农业史的一部分永葆活力。

    Bob Frydenlund says having a round barn means keeping alive part of the history of American farming .

  4. 美国农业史是一部商业性农业经营史。

    American agriculture had been a commercial one since it occurred .

  5. 转换的耕作:从农业史到食物体系史

    Shifting Cultivation : From the History of Agriculture to the History of Food Systems

  6. 晚近英国农业史研究综述

    The Recent Research on British Agrarian History

  7. 国内城市农业史的梳理主要是按历史年代表和使用人群两条线索来推进。

    The comb of domestic urban agriculture history is mainly to promote with the two clues of history timeline and population .

  8. 所谓的金浦艺术厅,设计灵感来自树的形象,象征着该地区的农业史。

    Called Gimpo Art Hall , the design is inspired by the image of a tree , symbolising the area 's agricultural history .

  9. 我国2000多年的农业史表明:通过循环利用有机肥,可以使粮食生产持续发展,保持并逐渐改善土地生产力。

    More than 2000 years history of agriculture in China has demonstrated that the grain yield could be sustained and the soil productivity could be maintained and gradually improved through recycling the organic manure .

  10. 本文简要介绍了近四千多年来荷兰农业史研究的兴起、发展过程与现状,涉及研究概况、研究内容、方法、特点及重点机构介绍等。

    The present article gives a brief introduction of Dutch agrarian history researches in the past four decades , which includes general conditions 、 research topics 、 methods 、 characteristics and key institution , etc.

  11. 稻麦复种制的形成和发展不但是中国农业史上的重要问题,而且关系到对唐宋经济发展水平的总体评价。

    The emergence of double cropping systems for wheat and paddy is an important issue not only in Chinese agricultural history , but is also highly relevant to a full appraisal of economic development during the Tang and Song dynasties .

  12. 国外城市农业史的阐述则以工业革命为时间节点来展开,论述了远古时期以及工业文明时期的城市农业存在状况,尤其是对危机时期的西方国家城市农业的发展做了详细论述。

    The elaboration of foreign urban agriculture history launches with the Industrial Revolution as the time node , discussed the existence condition of urban agriculture in ancient times and industrial civilization period , especially elaborated western city agriculture development in crisis period in detail .

  13. 中国封建农业法制史研究

    Study on China 's Feudal Legal System of Agriculture

  14. 农业科技史的发展是与包括农业科学家在内的主体活动紧密相联系的。

    Development of agricultural science and technology history is closely related to principal activities including agricultural scientists .

  15. 在直隶农业发展史上,清末新政时期是一个非常重要的历史阶段。

    In the agriculture history of ZhiLi Province , the New Deal in the late Qing Dynasty was very important .

  16. 在英国的环境史研究发展进程中表现出了三个突出的特点:农业生态史与城市环境史研究并重;

    Comparing with American environmental history studies , British environmental history studies is with three characteristics : Agroecological history paralleling with urban environmental history ;

  17. 农业发展史中经历了原始农业、传统农业、现代农业和可持续农业(综合农业)等几个重要时期。

    Agriculture development has gone through several important times : primitive agriculture , traditional agriculture , modern agriculture and sustainable ( comprehensive ) agriculture , etc.

  18. 安徽拥有悠久的农业发展史,明清时代作物生产、农田水利等己达到相当水平。

    Anhui has a long history of agricultural development , so crop production and irrigation in the Ming and Qing period reached a considerable level .

  19. 在史料价值上,这两本农书也有关于农业经济史、农业教育史等资料可供进一步发掘和研究。

    As far as value of historical data is concerned , the two books give more study on history of agricultural economy , history of agricultural education and so on .

  20. 纵观农业发展史,从传统农业、近代农业到现代农业,每一个阶段无不以技术变革为动力、以技术进步为标志。

    Taking a wide view of the history of agricultural development , from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture , it shows that each step of agriculture development is driven by technological transformation , and is marked by technique progress .

  21. 选出农业工艺进展史的正确排列。

    Choose the correct sequence to show the history of agricultural technology .

  22. 有关我国古代农业机械发明史的几项新资料

    Some new materials on the invention of farm implements in ancient China

  23. 论文的研究目的在于较为系统地了解我国农业标准发展史,铺垫当代农业标准研究的健康道路,填补这一领域的空白。

    The purpose of this dissertation is to systematically study the history of agricultural standards development , and provide references for the exploration of agricultural standards in modern times .

  24. 论文的创新之处在于:在系统分析历史资料的基础上,勾画出农业标准发展史主要历程,概述了中国古代农业标准的特征和发展模式,描述了中国古代农业标准的概貌。

    The dissertation , based on systematic analysis of the historical data , innovatively described the development of the agricultural standards , the nature of agricultural standards in ancient China and its development pattern .

  25. 接着指出这些研究多从农业经济发展史、水利发展史、基层社会组织和社会调控的角度入手,主要采用多学科交叉、个案、地图与表格的方法;

    These studies started work through the angle of history of agro-economic development , history of water conservancy development , grass-root 's social organization and social regulation , using methods of multi-disciplinary intersecting , case study , maps and tables , etc ;

  26. 勿庸置疑,1987年,地理学家戴蒙德(JaredDiamond)撰写了一篇文章,概述了为何农业是人类有史以来所犯的最大错误。

    Indeed , in 1987 the geographer Jared Diamond wrote an article outlining why agriculture was the Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race .

  27. 韩国农业在世界农业史上的意义与展望

    The Significance of Korean Agriculture , Its Value and Prospect

  28. 美国农业机械技术发展史

    A History of American Farm Machinery and Technology

  29. 与保护性耕作不同,保护性农业是世界农业发展史上一次全新的思想革命。

    Other than conservation tillage , conservation agriculture is a new ideaistic revolution in the development history of world agriculture .

  30. 在高等农业院校,农业科技史教学既是素质教育的重要内容及不可或缺的主要环节,也是思想政治教育的重要组成部分及进行思想政治教育的最有效途径。

    In agricultural universities , agricultural science and technology teaching is not only an important element and a key indispensable link of qualification , but also an important component of thoughts and politics education and the most efficient methods of developing it .