
  1. 中央财政连续三年累计投入90亿元,用于农村寄宿制学校建设工程,7651所学校受益。

    The central government spent 9 billion yuan over the past three years building facilities for 7651 rural boarding schools .

  2. 近年来,随着西部农村寄宿制学校建设工程的实施,一大批农村寄宿制学校相继建成。

    For the past few years , a large number of rural boarding schools have been built in West China with the implementation of rural boarding school construction projects .

  3. 随着农村义务教育学校布局调整和我国农村寄宿制学校建设工程实施,此问题日益凸显并引起广泛关注。

    With the layout adjustment of the rural compulsory school and the implementation of Rural Boarding School Construction Project , this problem has become increasingly prominent and attracted wide attention .