
  1. 加强农村基层组织建设的思考

    Reflection on strengthening the construction of primary organization in rural areas

  2. 农民增收:农村基层组织建设的思考

    Increasing Farmers ' Imcome : Pondering on the Rural Basic-Level Organization Construction

  3. 欠发达地区农村基层组织建设探索

    Exploration for construction of rural grassroots organizations in undeveloped regions

  4. 农村基层组织建设中的委托&代理关系

    Trusts agent Relation in the Construction of the Elementary Organization in the Countryside

  5. 加强农村基层组织建设突出社区化管理特色

    Strengthening the Construction of Rural Grass-root Organizations , and Stressing the Characteristics of Community-based Management

  6. 加强农村基层组织建设与社会稳定的若干思考

    Reflections on Strengthening the Countryside Primary Organization Construction to Realize the Countryside Society Long-Term Stability

  7. 加强党的农村基层组织建设对策研究

    Strengthening the Building of the Primary Organizations

  8. 县城经济发展与农村基层组织建设的关系极为密切。

    The relations between county economic development and primary organizational building of countryside are very close .

  9. 五是加强农村基层组织建设,巩固党在农村的执政基础。

    Fifth , strengthening construction of rural grassroots organizations to consolidate the ruling basis of the CPC in rural areas .

  10. 笔者针对目前农村基层组织建设现状进行剖析,并寻求解决问题的方法。

    The author , from view of the present rural basic-level organization construction , presents the answer to the question after analysis of the current situation .

  11. 在村民自治条件下,加强农村基层组织建设是农业和农村工作中的一项重要而紧迫的任务。

    On the condition of the villagers ' autonomy , it is an important and pressing task to strengthen the construction of primary organization in rural areas .

  12. 第三,加强农村基层组织建设、真正做到政务公开、加强财务管理和专项资金管理和完善监督,强化监督。

    Thirdly , strengthen the building of rural grassroots organizations 、 truly open government data 、 strengthen management of financial and special funds 、 improve and strengthen supervision .

  13. 如何加强农村基层组织建设,为新形势下农村基层自治工作探索一条新的道路,一直是社会和学术界的重点。

    How to strengthen the building of grass-roots organizations in rural areas , looking for rural basic level under new situation a updating course , has been the focus of social and academic .

  14. 如何加强和改进农村基层组织建设工作,不仅是一个需要认真研究和解决的重大理论问题,也是一个重大的实践问题。

    How to strengthen and improve the construction of rural organizations at basic level is not only a vital theoretical subject for us to study and solve , but also a practical problem .

  15. 转变工作作风,建立健全村干部待遇保障、激励机制,减少乡镇个数,扩大行政村规模,是防止村干部外流,强化农村基层组织建设的迫切需要。

    To change government officials ' style of work , to establish sound mechanism to reward and award the cadres , and to reduce the number of township districts are the urgent need of enforcing rural grassroots organization construction .

  16. 村民自治的保障措施主要有:完善村民自治法律法规、搞好农村基层组织建设、全面提高农民素质,大力发展农村经济、完善村民自治制度。

    The safeguard mechanism of the villager self-administration mainly has : The perfect laws and regulations of villager self-administration , well construct the countryside basic-level organization , to improve the farmer quality comprehensively , developing the rural economy , to consummate the villager self-administration system .

  17. 从加强农村基层组织建设、增加对农业的扶持力度、土地集中经营、提高农民的素质、发展现代农业和非农业等角度探讨提高农民收入的方法和途径。

    The thesis probes into the ways and means of raising the income of farmers from the building of rural grassroots organizations , increasing support to agriculture , concentration of land business , improving the quality of farmers and the development of modern agriculture and non-agricultural point of view .

  18. 加强农村基层党组织建设夯实新农村建设组织基础

    Enhance Rural Party Organization to Reinforce the Organizational Foundation of New Countryside Construction

  19. 人才是加强农村基层党组织建设的关键。

    Talent is the key to strengthen the construction of rural grass-roots party organization .

  20. 笔者对农村基层党组织建设寄予了希望和信心。

    The author gives hope and faith to construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations .

  21. 新世纪我国农村基层体育组织建设的困境与抉择

    Predicament and choice of the construction of rural grass-roots sports organizations in the new century

  22. 农村基层党组织建设与村民自治探讨

    Study in Rural Party 's Organizational Building and Villager 's Autonomy at the Basic Level

  23. 在这其中,农村基层党组织建设是着重强调的一个方面。

    Among them , the construction of rural grass-roots party organization is a very important aspect .

  24. 困境与抉择:当前我国农村基层体育组织建设滞后的社会学研究

    Dilemma and Decision : Sociological Study into the Tardiness of Current Chinese Rural Grassroots Sports Organizational Construction

  25. 第三章,探讨了影响延边州农村基层党组织建设的因素。

    The factors which influence construction of Rural Grass-roots Party Organizations of Yanbian State are the following .

  26. 笔者认为,可以从以下五个方面来加强农村基层党组织建设。

    The author thinks that from five aspects , can the construction of basic party organization be improved .

  27. 推进农村基层党组织建设,必须首先抓好基层干部队伍建设。

    To improve Party Building our country must do well in constructing the contingent of rural grassroots cadres .

  28. 农村基层党组织建设就成为党在农村执政的关键。

    The rural grass roots of CCP organization construction as the key of the party in the countryside ruling .

  29. 城郊型农村基层党组织建设与传统农村基层党组织建设相比,有着其独特性。

    Contrasting to the traditional rural grassroots party organizations , suburban and rural grassroots party organizations have its unique characteristics .

  30. 要加强农村基层党组织建设,为新农村建设提供政治和组织保障;

    Must strengthen the countryside basic-level party organization to construct , provides politics and the organization for the new rural reconstruction safeguards ;