
  1. 农业商品化是一把双刃剑。

    The agricultural merchandisation is a double knife-edge sword .

  2. 在殖民地时代,受近代英国农业商品化的影响和社会发展规律的作用,美国的商业性农业就已经产生并发展起来。实际上北美的商业性农业是近代英国商业性农业的地域扩张。

    Affected by the agricultural commercialization of modern English and by the society law , American commercial agriculture occurred and grown increasingly during the colonial time .

  3. 为此,美国政府采取了多种措施鼓励交通运输的发展,从而推动了西部农业商品化、地区专业化发展和农业经济的繁荣。

    On account of this , American government took many measures to stimulate transportation development , thereby promoting the western agriculture mechanization , regional specialization , and prosperity of American western agriculture .

  4. 在外国资本和本国封建的打击之下,中国的农民和手工业者日益贫困化,农业商品化的进程加快,为近代工业在中国的产生创造了社会条件。

    Under the strike of foreign capital and feudal , Chinese peasant and handicraftsman turn poor little by little . The process that agriculture commercialize accelerate create social condition for modern industry production in China .

  5. 西欧乡村工业中最为突出的是纺织业,自然资源、技术与分工、农业商品化、乡村劳动力、市场需求等因素都是乡村纺织工业勃兴的原因。

    The most outstanding of the Western European rural industry was textile in dustry its rising reasons were natural resources , technology and division of labor ; agricultural commercialization , rural labour , market demand etc.

  6. 其次,在农业商品化的刺激之下、在印度政府的大力扶持之下,印度各地涌现出一大批具有现代意义的农场。

    On the other hand , under the incitement of the agriculture commercialize and under the strongly support of the government in India , there appeared a large quantity of farms with the modem meaning everywhere in India .

  7. 访问他们的网站可知,岛上的大多数人都是“职业音乐家、出版作家或一些小型厂商,还有一些某些领域从事农业商品化和专业顾问的工作,这些领域包括教育、工程、林业和替代能源”。

    Most members are " professional musicians , published authors , some small scale manufacturers , some commercial agriculture as well as professional consultants in education , engineering , forestry and alternate energy " according to their site .

  8. 分析了影响合作经济组织发展的制约因素,主要体现在:规模发展程度受到一定影响,严重阻碍着农业商品化、专业化和社会化的进一步发展。

    Analysis of the impact the development of cooperative economic organization constraints , mainly reflected in : the scale level of development be affected , a serious obstacle to agricultural commercialization , specialization and socialization for further development .

  9. 农业技术商品化问题思考

    Thinking about Problems of Commercializing Agricultural Technology

  10. 关于农业科技成果商品化若干问题的思考

    Thoughts on Commercialization of the Achievements in Agricultural Science and Technology

  11. 我国古代农业劳动力的商品化研究。

    ⅱ The study of commercialization of the agricultural labor force in ancient China .

  12. 农民专业合作社产生发展的前提条件在于:社会主义市场经济体制,农业生产的商品化程度比较高、区域专业化程度比较高,以及来自外部的各种支持。

    The preconditions for generation and development of Farmers ' specialized cooperatives are : the socialist market economic system , the commercialization level of agricultural production is relatively high , a relatively high degree of regional specialization , as well as all kinds of support from outside .

  13. 特色农业是当今世界农业日益商品化、市场化、社会化的必然选择,也是促进我国农业结构优化的重要途径之一。

    Characteristic agriculture is now an inevitable option under the conditions of agricultural commercialization , marketization and socialization in the world , it is also one of the important channels to promote the agricultural structural optimization in China .

  14. 现代农业组织的发展有利于加快农业产业化、商品化以及市场化进程,是现代农业发展不可或缺的载体。

    Modern agriculture organization is an indispensable carrier of the development of modern agriculture and it is helpful to accelerate the process of industrialization , commercialization and market of the agriculture .

  15. 农业产业化经营组织的形成,是在市场经济不断发展、农业商品化和专业化程度不断提高的背景下,农业生产者与其他参与主体追求市场风险回避和节约交易费用的结果。

    The form of Agricultural industrialization is the result of market economy , agribusiness and specialization developed to a certain extant .

  16. 农业开发是19世纪美国西部开发的主要内容,西部农业由自给自足向商品化方向转化。

    The agricultural development was the main task of the 19th American western exploitation . The western agriculture transformed the type from the self-sufficiency to commercial one .

  17. 通过发展农业企业化经营,有利于扩大家庭农场经营规模,改变农业经营方式,实现农业商品化,并带动千家万户农民脱贫致富,促进农村经济全面发展,为营造和谐社会作贡献。

    Through developing agriculture commercialization management , it is helpful to enlarge the scale of family farm , change the agriculture management ways , lead farmers to prosperity , promote the rural economy all-around development and make the contribution for harmonious society .