
  • 网络hydraulic science and technology;technology
  1. 水利科技投入的政策性分析

    The Policy Analysis on the Investment of Hydraulic Science and Technology

  2. 2000年我国水利科技期刊综合评价

    Synthetic evaluation on hydraulic science and technology journal in China in 2000

  3. 对吕梁市水利科技发展的现状调查及思考

    Investigating Present Situation and Thinking on Hydrotechnics Development of Luliang City

  4. 安徽省水利科技进步贡献份额的测定

    Contribution Portion of Water Conservancy Science & Technology in Anhui Province

  5. 浅析我国水利科技期刊的成绩与差距

    Discussion on achievement and distance of Chinese hydraulic technological journal

  6. 全国水利科技工作会议专家论坛&对南水北调工程的基本认识

    Basic Thinking about the South to North Water Diversion Project

  7. 中国水利科技50年

    Water science and technology in China for recent 50 years

  8. 湖南省水利科技发展战略研究

    A Study on Sci-Tech Development Strategy of Water Conservancy in Hunan Province

  9. 2005年江西省水利科技人才预测与规划

    Forecast plan of hydraulic qualified scientists and technicians of Jiangxi Province in 2005

  10. 数字长江建设与水利科技发展

    Construction of digital Yangtze River and development of water conservancy science and technology

  11. 内蒙古水利科技发展50年

    Water conservancy science and technology development in Inner Mongolia autonomous region during 50 years

  12. 基于创新型国家建设的水利科技进步评价研究

    The Evaluation Study of Water Technology Progress Based on the Construction of Innovative Country

  13. 水利科技创新计划绩效评价的理论基础及实践

    The Theoretical Foundation and Practice of Performance Appraisal about the Scientific and Technical Innovation Plan of Water Conservancy

  14. 以节水灌溉为中心的农村水利科技发展趋势与研究重点

    Development Trend and Research Emphases of Science and Technology of Rural Water Conservancy Centering on Water Saving Irrigation

  15. 改革创新,依靠水利科技进步推动江西水利事业向前发展

    Innovation and reform of hydraulic science and technology is the power of the hydraulic undertaking development of Jiangxi Province

  16. 占我国科技期刊一席之地的水利科技期刊,取得了成绩,但存在某些差距。

    There is not achievement but distance in the hydraulic technological journal which plays a certain role in Chinese technological journals .

  17. 水利科技创新与专利保护和谐管理机制的构架论知识产权保护和技术创新能力的提高

    Establishment of Harmonious Management System for Water Science Innovation and Patent Protection ; Intellectual Property Protection and the Improvement of Technological Innovation

  18. 江西省未来5年水利科技发展重点和关键技术应用研究

    The development principal point and the key technology of water conservancy science and technology in Jiangxi Province in the future 5 years

  19. 从宏观、全局、战略的高度,深入探讨水利科技发展战略问题,凝练我国水利科技发展方向、重点及关键技术是有重要意义的。

    It is significant to discuss the strategy problem in water science and technique , including developing direction and the key techniques .

  20. 最后,通过水利科技投入的理论分析,提出相关对策及建立相关水利科技投入政策的建议。

    Last but not least , the discourse proposes some purposeful and useful suggestions through the theory analysis of hydraulic investment on science and technology .

  21. 结合水利科技文献的特点,对科技英语中的增译技巧作几点论述。

    According to the characteristics of water conservancy scientific texts in English , this paper discusses the principles of amplification to make a reasonable translation .

  22. 建设水利科技投入政策,通过政府规制来解决水利科技投入不足这一问题,是论文研究的主旨思想。

    The main theme of this paper is to solve the insufficiency of investment on hydraulic science and technology through stimulating investment policy and regulation by government .

  23. 二十一世纪初山西水利科技发展的方向、原则、关键技术及主要措施概述

    A Sketch on Direction and Principles , Key Techniques and Main Measures of Shanxi 's Science and Technology Development on Water Conservancy at the Beginning of 21 st Century

  24. 在此基础上,提出了今后一个时期山东水利科技发展的指导思想、基本原则和总体目标。

    On this basis , the author puts forward the guiding ideology , basic principles and overall objectives for the science and technology development of water resources in the next period in Shandong Province .

  25. 介绍广西水利科技的主要成就,水利科技的发展方向,阐明科技发展对水利建设的的深远影响。

    An introduction is made on the main achievements and development direction of water conservancy science and technology . The deep influence of scientific and technical advancement on water conservancy construction is also demonstrated .

  26. 水利科技具有很强的社会公益性,在很多专业领域要为政府在水资源管理宏观决策方面提供科技支撑。

    Science and Technology in the water sector has tremendous social benefits , various disciplines of which provide scientific and technical support for the government in macro control and decision making of water resources management .

  27. 因此,绩效评价研究对投资结构的优化,财政资金的合理分配,投资绩效的提高,以及后期农田水利科技推广项目的决策和管理水平的提高都具有十分重要的作用。

    Therefore , the research of performance evaluation will benefit the investment structure optimization , reasonable financial funds arrangements and investment efficient improvement , also it has an important role in improving decision-making and management of irrigation and water conservancy .

  28. 第五部分以浙江省农田水利科技推广综合示范项目为例,采用所构建的指标体系,应用模糊综合评价法进行实证分析,得出该项目实施良好,较好的实现了预期目标。

    In the fifth part , we took the integrated demonstration projects of Water Conservancy Science and Technology Promotion of Zhejiang for example , used the index system and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to make empirical analysis , which proved it better achieved the object .

  29. 这些软件的一个共同特点是,能够准确地体现有关规程规范,充分结合水文水资源分析工作实际,易为广大水利科技人员掌握和使用,提高工作效率,并且能保证成果的精度和质量。

    One common characteristic of the two software is which can accurately exemplify related criterion and regulations and plenitudinous link the practical situation of hydrology and water resource analysis and easy to be commanded and used by water scientific and technical personnel and also can improve work efficiency .

  30. 要解决这些问题,必须加快水利科技创新步伐,用现代治水理念,先进科技成果、完善的基础设施,科学的管理制度武装和改造传统水利。

    We must accelerate the pace of innovation in science and technology of water resources to solve the above problems . The traditional water resources will be armed and reformed through the modern concepts of water management , advanced scientific and technological achievements , improved infrastructure and scientific management system .