
shuǐ hú
  • kettle;water bottle;jug;canteen;ewer;watering can
水壶 [shuǐ hú]
  • (1) [kettle;watering can]∶烧水用的一种金属(器具)

  • (2) [canteen]∶典型地包着布套的、用作盛饮用水的小容器,常为士兵的个人用品

水壶[shuǐ hú]
  1. 断流装置避免水壶烧干。

    A cut-out stops the kettle boiling dry .

  2. 烧水壶呜呜地响了起来。

    The kettle began to whistle .

  3. 她把他们俩的杯子倒空,烧上了电水壶。

    She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle

  4. 无绳电热水壶现在可能是多数厨房的固定设备。

    The cordless kettle may now be a fixture in most kitchens .

  5. 她说话间,我把水壶灌满并插上了电源。

    I filled the kettle while she was talking and plugged it in

  6. 有人上楼取下一个大水壶。

    Someone went upstairs and brought down a huge kettle

  7. 她将水壶放在煤气炉上。

    She put the kettle on the gas stove .

  8. 数以百万计的水壶被生产出来。

    The jugs were produced in their millions .

  9. 玛丽安娜放上水壶烧开水。

    Marianne put the kettle on to boil .

  10. 使用带自动断电装置的水壶加热,这样水沸腾的时间就不会过长了。

    Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn 't boil for longer than necessary

  11. 水壶中冒出了水气。

    Steam is rising from the kettle .

  12. 使水壶里的水保持沸腾。

    Keep the kettle at the boil .

  13. 他从商店买了一个水壶和其他金属制品。

    He bought a pot and other hardware at the store .

  14. 我们听到水壶在火上发出单调的沸腾声。

    We could hear the pot bubbling quietly on the fire .

  15. 水壶里的水在炉火上开个不停。

    The kettle was boiling away on the fire .

  16. 他把我的水壶修好了,省得我再买一个新的了

    He had repaired my kettle , and It'saved my buying a new one .

  17. 她将水壶注满了清水。

    She filled the jug with fresh water .

  18. 白色陶瓷制品以及绿花的碗与大口水壶已经在伊朗流行是众所周知的事

    White ceramicware asas green-splashed bowls and ewers are known to have been popular in Iran .

  19. 其实,它们与那些从沸腾的水壶中冒出的白色水蒸气一样。

    They are just like the clouds of white steam , as we call it , that you see rising from a boiling kettle .

  20. n.器皿;用具罐子,盘子和水壶是有用的厨房用具。……

    utensil Pots , pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils .......

  21. 操作指南:直接点击化妆工具来给mm化妆,点一下水壶可以选择颜色。

    Operate guidebook : click a disguise tool directly to make up for mm , order the canteen can choose a color .

  22. n.银器;镀银餐具她所有的银器包括刀、叉、匙、一个水壶,还有烛台。……

    silverware Her silverware consists of knives , forks , spoons , a water pitcher , and candlesticks .......

  23. 玩具反斗城(toysrus)、迪士尼(disney)产品制造商kidsiiinc和其它6家公司召回了包括书签、水壶及玩具手电筒在内的中国制造产品。

    Toys R US , Walt Disney products maker kids II Inc and six other companies recalled Chinese-made items , from bookmarks to water bottles and toy flashlights .

  24. 现在,公司承认在它的这个水壶里面的环氧衬里里面曾经含有微量的BPA。

    Now , the company admits that the epoxy liners in its bottles used to contain trace amounts of BPA .

  25. 我知道Joey不是我男朋友或者热水壶。

    Phoebe : I mean , I know Joey is not my boyfriend , or my thermos , or anything , but ...

  26. 当聚碳酸酯塑料水壶接触到热的液体和有正常的磨损的时候,其中的BPA就会渗出来。

    BPA can leach from polycarbonate plastic bottles when it comes into contact with hot liquids and from regular wear and tear .

  27. 日壶j月壶、星壶的下面各有一个滴水的铜嘴,授水壶内有一个标尺。

    The Sun Pot , Moon Pot and Star Pot all have an opening at the bottom for water to drop , and the Water-receiving Pot has a gauge inside .

  28. Sigg说它的从前的水壶并不会渗出BPA。但是,他们到底有多安全呢?

    Sigg says its old bottles didn 't leach any BPA . But , how safe are they ?

  29. 家用电器类:电视机、空调、吸尘器、榨汁机、水壶、烤箱、风筒、焗油机、DVD及车载系列、音箱、开关及插座等。

    Home Appliances : TV , air-conditioner , cleaner , juicing machine , kettle , oven , wind cone , hair steamer , DVD and on-vehicle series , speaker , switches , sockets and etc.

  30. TVA肌肉不发达,再加上腹部脂肪就会导致你的腹部像水壶一样,而不是拥有扁平性感的腹肌。

    A combination of weak TVA muscles and accumlation of belly fat leads to you having a pot belly or pooch insted of flat sexy abs