
  • 网络sunshine withering;Sun blue
  1. 云南晒青毛茶HPLC指纹图谱的研究

    Study on HPLC Fingerprint of Pu-erh Crude Tea in Yunnan

  2. 在做青前期适当晒青和轻摇青可以提高SOD活力;

    SOD activity increased by light sun withering and leaf rotation .

  3. 采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术对云南普洱茶晒青毛茶的主要化学成分的指纹图谱进行了研究。

    The fingerprint of main chemicals in Pu-er crude tea collected from Yunnan was investigated by HPLC .

  4. 经过4a多来乌龙茶萎凋生产试验,表明用该机萎凋的乌龙茶萎凋质量达到或超过同等条件下利用阳光晒青的萎凋质量。

    The experiments for four years showed that the quality of Oolong tea withered by the machine reaches or exceeds that of the tea produced by solar withering in the same weather .

  5. 为探讨做青对乌龙茶香气形成的作用,采用XAD-2吸附剂捕集香气、GC和GC/MS分析,对乌龙茶做青及晒青工序的香气变化进行了研究。

    In order to examine the effect of the rotating process on the aroma forming of Oolong tea , XAD 2 was used to absorb the headspace of samples and the headspace analyzed by GC and GC / MS.

  6. 云南大叶种鲜叶制成的晒青毛茶。

    The raw material adopts fresh and sun-greened big leaf species tea of Yunnan .

  7. 熟茶:以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过渥堆发酵等工艺加工而成的茶称为熟茶。

    Cooked tea : is a tea made of Shaiqinmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species treated by fermenting process .

  8. 普洱茶是以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料通过微生物发酵而得,普洱茶的品质形成中,微生物起了重要作用。

    Pu ' er tea is made from by post-fermented of the raw tea , in which the microbes play an important role .

  9. 生茶:是将云南大叶种晒青毛茶直接蒸压成型的茶。

    Raw tea : is a tea made of Shaiqingmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species by directly braising and pressing to form .

  10. 此茶采用上等的普洱晒青绿茶做原料,经过特殊加工制作而成,该饼具有较好的收藏价值。

    The finest of Pu'er tea , dried green tea as raw material , made of specially processed , the cake has a good collection .

  11. 普洱茶是以云南省一定区域内的云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过后发酵加工而成的散茶和紧压茶。

    Pu'er tea is a loose tea and compressed tea made of Shaiqingmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species in the certain area of Yunnan province by fermenting process .

  12. 以云南大叶种特级晒青毛茶为原料,研究普洱茶加工过程中主要成分的变化规律及其各项指标的相关性。

    Special grade sun dried green tea of Yunnan large leaf was used as the experimental subject to examine the changes and correlations of main chemical components during Pu'er tea processing .

  13. 瞬时压差工艺在传统绿茶加工、绿碎茶和晒青毛茶加工中都有很好的应用效果。

    It has been further proved that instantaneous controlled pressure drop technology application has a good effects on the process of traditional green tea , broken green tea and sun-dried green tea .

  14. 采用景谷当地上百年大叶种老茶树晒青毛茶(把把茶)制作而成,里外如一,每年限量生产2000团。

    Jinggu a century by the local big leaves drying green tea Maocha old ( to the tea ) is made of inside and outside , as one group each of limited production in2000 .