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  • rural surveys
  1. 《农村调查》的序言和跋

    Preface and postscript to rural surveys

  2. 他宣布了在农村调查的详细情况。

    He returned the details of his investigation in the countryside .

  3. 此外,还有南京金陵大学美国人卜凯组织的大规模的农村调查和日本人满铁的华北农村调查。

    In addition , Japanese and American made rural survey .

  4. 苏南地区村民委员会的自治及其与乡镇政府的关系&锡山、昆山两市农村调查

    The Autonomy of Villagers ' Commitee and its Relationship with Town Government in Southern Jiangsu

  5. 关注计划生育相关弱势群体&扬州市邗江区农村调查报告

    On Caring for Relatively Disadvantaged Groups in Family Planning : Report from the Rural Area of Hanjiang District , Yangzhou

  6. 中国政府上周进行的一项农村调查显示,中国总计1.3亿民工中有2000万人失业。

    A Chinese Government survey of villages last week reported that 20 million of the nation 's 130 million migrant workers are unemployed .

  7. 城市调查对象健康素养及各类别素养的具备率均高于农村调查对象。

    The urban residents ' having rates of health literacy and every type literacy were higher than that of the rural residents ' . 3 .

  8. 抗战时期张闻天之晋陕农村调查简述&兼述新发现的晋西北兴县农村调查原始资料

    On Zhang Wen-tian 's Rural Survey of Jin-shan in 1942 & An Concurrent Introduction to the Newly-found Data on Rural Survey in Xing County of Northwest Shanxi

  9. 教研室教师一贯重视本科生的基础教学,为之编写了一系列的配套教材,并开展了相应的课程建设。一贯重视农村调查;

    Teaching and research faculty have attached great importance to undergraduate education , compiled a number of teaching materials , and conducted relevant curricular innovations . persistent focus on the investigation of rural areas ;

  10. 本文运用社会学的研究方法,根据吉登斯结构二重化理论,结合农村调查实际情况,探讨农村企业家人力资本形成问题,目的是为农村现代化服务。

    According to the duality of structure theory of the Anthony Giddens , together with the investigation material , we take methods of the sociology to analyze the forming of the rural entrepreneur human capital .

  11. 本文利用苏南农村调查资料,探讨了富裕农村社区贫困问题,包括测量标准和家庭特征两方面内容。

    This Paper , based onthe survey of the poverty problem in the rural areas in southern Jiangsu , explores the poverty problem in wealthy rural areas , including poverty standard and the characteristics Of the poverty-stricken families .

  12. 影响城乡调查对象健康素养水平的主要因素是文化程度和平均月收入状况,此外,年龄和家庭人口数对农村调查对象的健康素养水平也有一定的影响。

    The main factors which could affect the urban and rural residents ' health literacy level were education level and the average monthly income , in addition , age and the family size also have a certain impact on the rural residents ' health literacy level .

  13. 基于AutoCAD的农村地籍调查软件研究与实现

    Design and Implementation of Rural Cadastral Investigation Software Based on AutoCAD

  14. 3S技术在梓潼县农村土地调查中的应用研究

    Study on the 3S Technology Application of Rural Land Survey in Zitong County

  15. 基于3S技术的北京市农村地籍调查技术方法研究&以怀柔区试点为例

    Study on the Techniques and Methods of Rural Cadastral Investigation in Beijing Based on 3S Technologies & Taking Huairou District as an Example

  16. 运用农村住户调查资料,初步构建农村劳动力转移影响因素的Logit模型,从微观的层面进一步考察农村劳动力转移的影响因素。

    Using the rural household 's survey materials , found the Logit model of factor influencing rural labor force transfer preliminarily , investigate factor influencing the rural labor force transfer rom microscopic layer .

  17. 健康教育前玉溪市部分农村受调查人群基本知识的知晓率为0%,Hp相关性疾病知识知晓率为0%,常见上消化道疾病保健和防治知识为9.2%;

    Before the health education , the understanding rate of the basic knowledge in the group being investigated in part villages in Yuxi was 0 % , the understanding rate of Helicobacter pylori associated knowledge was 0 % , and 9.2 % of common diseases of upper digestive tract .

  18. 第二次全国土地调查之农村土地调查作业方法

    The rural land survey practices in the second national land survey

  19. 二要深入农村,调查研究;

    Second , go down to the countryside to investigate and study ;

  20. 我国农村住户调查新模式研究

    Research of New Pattern of Rural Household Survey in China

  21. 农村地籍调查技术方案探讨&以北京市百善镇试点为例

    The argument about technique plan of rural investigation of cadastre

  22. 鹿寨县第二次农村土地调查数据库研究

    Research of Database about the Second Rural Land Survey in Luzhai County

  23. 农村地籍调查数据组织方法探讨

    Discussion on the Data Organization of Rural Cadastral Investigation

  24. 延边地区村级新农村建设调查研究

    The New Rural Development Research in Yanbian Region

  25. 我国核心经济区域农民体育健身工程实施效果研究&来自北京农村的调查研究

    Effect of the rural sports fitness project in the core economic zone of China

  26. 深圳市农村土地调查工作的实施研究&外业部分

    The Research on The Implementation of Rural Land Survey in Shenzhen & Part of Field

  27. 本文通过对无锡、扬州两地37家农村企业调查,分析了无锡和扬州两地农村小企业融资存在的一些共性:正规金融市场贷款与企业规模、地域有关;

    This paper examines the financing situations of rural small enterprises in Wuxi and Yangzhou .

  28. 遵义地区农村能源调查研究及预测

    A study and research to predict of the enegy sources at countryside in Zunyi County

  29. 北京市农村地籍调查技术方法研究

    Study on Rural Cadastral Survey of Beijing

  30. 以上数据是对全省158个县(区)农村住户调查结果推算。

    Data in this table was computatived on the basis of rural households Sample Surveys of158 counties .