
  1. 归园田后的陶渊明和居住在瓦尔登湖畔的梭罗深深热爱着他们的自然生活,并以此为据,写出了千古传诵的佳作《桃花源诗并序》与《瓦尔登湖》。

    Tao Yuanming and Thoreau were deeply in love with their life in nature , on the basis of which , they wrote their masterpieces " The Peach Blossom Spring " and " Walden " .

  2. 但从《桃花源诗》和《桃花源记》中都可以看出,文中有许多线索可以间接证明桃花源内外人们衣着不同;

    From " Poems of Peach Blossoms " and " Notes on the Land of Peach Blossoms " many clues can be found out which could prove indirectly the differences of clothes inside and outside Peach Blossoms ;