
  • Rocky;Mabinogi;Loki
  1. 有人说第二部最好,因为故事的结局洛奇最终打败了ApolloCreed。

    Some guys go with number 2 because Rocky actually beats Apollo Creed .

  2. 所以在去史泰龙办公室的路上,库格勒在百思买(BestBuy)买了一张《洛奇2》(RockyII)蓝光光碟,想请史泰龙签名。

    So , en route to Mr. Stallone 's office , Mr. Coogler stopped at a Best Buy to get a Blu-ray of " Rocky II " for Mr. Stallone to sign .

  3. 洛奇曾凭借《风吹麦浪》(TheWindThatShakestheBarley)获得此奖。他发表获奖感言时先是说法语,后改为英语。

    Mr. Loach , a previous winner for " The Wind That Shakes the Barley , " accepted his prize first in French before switching to English .

  4. 如果你看过《洛奇》(Rocky),你就会知道一个左撇子拳击手是多么的强大。并且有研究表明,当社会越无序混乱,左撇子的优势就越明显。

    If you 've seen Rocky , you know how much of an advantage left-handed fighters have , and studies have shown that the more lawless the society , the greater that advantage is .

  5. Tonya比洛奇训练得还认真

    Tonya trained harder than Rocky

  6. 这部影片以当代费城为背景,透过阿多尼斯·奎迪(AdonisCreed)的眼睛探索这座城市生机勃勃的黑人文化。阿多尼斯找到年迈体衰的洛奇指导自己。

    Set in present-day Philadelphia , the film would explore the city 's vibrant black culture through the eyes of Adonis Creed , who seeks out an aged and ailing Rocky to train him .

  7. 欧文·温克勒(IrwinWinkler)从第一部《洛奇》起就和史泰龙一起拍电影。他说,史泰龙获得金球奖时,他看到汤姆·汉克斯(TomHanks)和史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)立刻站起来鼓掌,这特别令人欣慰。

    Irwin Winkler , who has been producing films with Mr. Stallone from the first " Rocky " on , said seeing Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg leaping to their feet to applaud Mr. Stallone 's Golden Globe win was especially gratifying .

  8. 他是洛奇(lozi)皇族的后裔,其王国位于赞比亚西部的巴罗策兰(barotseland)。

    The headmaster was Arthur lewanika , a scion of the Lozi royal family whose kingdom , barotseland , lay in Western Zambia .

  9. 的确,史泰龙完全没有被说服,至少一开始没有。他对这个系列明显的最后一部《洛奇6:永远的拳王》(RockyBalboa,2006)很满意。那部电影是他主演和导演的,得到了不错的评价。

    Indeed , Mr. Stallone was wholly unconvinced , at least at first , having been happy with the series " apparent final installment , " Rocky Balboa " ( 2006 ) , which he starred in and directed , receiving respectable reviews .

  10. 红洛奇矿物营养舔砖育肥肉牛效果试验

    Effects of Red Rockies Mineral Bricks on the Finishing Beef Performance

  11. 满意了吧,大明星?满意了吧,洛奇?

    You happy , big shot ? You happy , rocky ?

  12. 像是和她父母谈谈或者照顾洛奇

    like talk to her parents or take care of Rocky ,

  13. 洛奇尽力赛完这一个回合。

    Rocky Balboa is just trying to get through this first round .

  14. 你去年说了同样的话,洛奇。

    You said the same thing last year , rock .

  15. 本月份戴维洛奇有一新作问世。

    There 's a new Davied Lodge out this month .

  16. 洛奇挥舞手臂表示自己很好。

    Rocky waving his arms and saying he 's fine .

  17. 你以为洛奇是因为走运才打败T先生的?

    Do you think it was luck when Rocky beat Mr. T ?

  18. 是的我没有照料洛奇

    Yeah , I didn 't take care of Rocky .

  19. 洛奇认为加沙的局势非常严峻。

    He describes the situation in Gaza as very bleak .

  20. 洛奇,媒体称你为巴尔博野牛。

    Rocky , the press has labeled you a balboasaurus .

  21. 算了吧,洛奇,他也不是特别坏。

    Come on , rock , he 's not such a bad guy .

  22. 可在那之前,将是洛奇的绝佳机会。

    Until then , here is rocky 's chance .

  23. 这项发明的荣誉属于洛奇先生和他的合作者。

    The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborators .

  24. 不要越过洛奇小路岭同印第安人交火。

    And engage the Indians over Lodge trail ridge .

  25. 洛奇在想着要报复乔治。

    Rocky 's thinking about doing something to george .

  26. 洛奇抵达西贡并征用了中央情报局头目的小屋。

    Lodge arrived in Saigon and commandeered the villa of the CIA chief .

  27. 飞走洛奇看着我

    Fly away . Rocky , look at me .

  28. 他成为洛奇尔地区的财产管理人。

    He became the factor of lochiel country .

  29. 去吧洛奇飞走吧

    Come on , Rocky . Fly away .

  30. 同时,洛奇在这部小说中也给予了那些深受类似中年危机问题困扰的人们找到解决办法的启发。

    Lodge also provides enlightenment to people who are involved with problems like mid-age crisis .