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  1. 本文剖析了节电产品市场和英福特儿司反在中邦相闭业务的收铺状况。

    This dissertation analyzed the market of energy-saving products and the evolution that InfoTech Essential Inc had procured in relational field in China .

  2. 班奈特太太:吉英,快点儿,好日子啊!

    MRS BENNET : ( cont 'd ) Make haste , Jane , . O happy day !

  3. 多年后回忆起来,他仍心有余悸。大英帝国日渐削弱的年代,英国队和那些英印混血儿队的球风最为下作,对准他的膝盖和脚踝踢,或者直接踩上一脚。

    In the waning years of Empire , British and Anglo-Indian teams were the worst , aiming for his knees and ankles , or simply trampling him .