
  1. 半岛战争中,英国骑兵几乎总是用骑兵剑劈砍。

    In the Peninsula War , the English nearly always used the sword for cutting .

  2. 在第一次世界大战的最后一年,英国骑兵军官萨摩福特少校在佛兰德斯的战场作战时,一个闪电把他劈落马下,致使其腰部以下瘫痪。

    British cavalry officer Major Summerford was fighting in the fields of Flanders in the last year of WW1 , a flash of lightning knocked him off his horse and paralysed him from his waist down .

  3. 英国的骑兵已在他们的背后。

    The English cavalry was at their back .

  4. 1761年组织的保卫家乡的英国志愿者骑兵队,后来并入本土防卫自卫队。

    A British volunteer cavalry force organized in 1761 for home defense later incorporated into the Territorial Army .