
  • 网络Down payment;The first payment;deposite;downpayment
  1. 所获得的奖金将作为设计合同金额的一部分,并在首付款项中予以扣除;

    The prize is part of the contract value , and will be subtracted from the down payment .

  2. 也提出了购买第二套住房的了最低首付款。

    It has also raised the minimum down payment for second-home acquisitions .

  3. 2008年,德国公司弗雷泽纽斯(Fresenius)以37亿美元的首付款买下APPPharmaceuticals。

    The company , APP Pharmaceuticals , was sold to the German company Fresenius for an initial payment $ 3.7 billion in 2008 .

  4. 蓄电池变得更轻、更廉价;雷诺-日产(renault-nissan)计划将车租赁给顾客,以降低购车的首付款。

    Batteries are getting lighter and cheaper ; Renault-Nissan plans to lease them to customers to reduce upfront car prices .

  5. 在改革的第一阶段,需要支付可信的“首付款”(downpayment),并就将于第二阶段实施的更基础改革的范围和时机达成共识。

    The first stage would involve a credible " downpayment " on reform and agreement on the scope and timing of more fundamental reforms to be undertaken in a second stage .

  6. 而房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac)近期推行的举措也是一项不利因素,两家机构宣布,从2014年年初开始,将对信用分数较低,无力全额支付20%购房首付款的借款者收取更高的抵押贷款担保费用。

    Unhelpful on that score was the recent announcement that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be charging higher fees at the start of 2014 to guarantee mortgages of borrowers with lower credit scores and an inability to put up the full 20 % down payments on home purchases .

  7. 但是大型生物技术公司新基公司(Celgene)看重Abraxane,2010年以29亿美元的首付款买下持有这种药物的公司。

    But Celgene , the large biotechnology company , saw enough in Abraxane to acquire the company that controlled it for an initial payment of $ 2.9 billion in 2010 .

  8. 该交易将包括一笔1000万澳元的首付款。

    The deal will include an initial cash deposit of A $ 10m .

  9. 我们已经存够首付款了啊。

    We already have the down payment .

  10. 大多数要求现金礼物的新人筹得的钱都不够支付房子的首付款。

    Most couples that request cash don 't receive enough for a full down payment on a house .

  11. 一套公寓的均价为10万英镑,并要求交纳40%的首付款。

    The average price of a flat is 100,000 and a deposit of 40 per cent is required .

  12. 在这当儿我想你不妨挑一两本书作为我的首付款。

    But in the meantime I thought perhaps you could choose one or two volumes for a down payment .

  13. 如果他利用部分存款来支付首付款,那么他就应该计划重新补足这部分钱。

    If he uses some of his savings for a down payment , he should plan to replenish the account .

  14. 尽管银行愿意接受较低的首付款比例,但它们设定的房贷利率依然相对较高。

    And while banks are willing to accept smaller down payments by their borrowers , interest rates remain relatively high .

  15. 房价上涨还受到政府政策的推动,包括税收优惠、低利率和较低的首付款要求。

    It is also being driven by government policies , including tax breaks , low interest rates and smaller down-payment requirements .

  16. 北京规定首套自住房最高可申请120万元的公积金贷款额度,最低首付款比例为20%。

    The capital has increased the loans ceiling to RMB1.2m for first-time buyers and the minimum down payment is 20 % .

  17. 该机构把2000万港币以上豪宅的首付款比例提高了三分之一,至40%。

    It increased the required down-payment on homes costing more than HK $ 20m by a third , to 40 per cent .

  18. 汇率风险下基于船价与首付款关系的接单对策研究

    Study on order receiving measures based on the relation between ship price and initial payment in the context of exchange rate risk

  19. 消费者在交纳首付款的同时一般被要求同时交纳印花税和契税。

    Consumer is in hand in head pay while be asked to pay stamp duty and agree tax at the same time commonly .

  20. 如果你的意思只是:你给她30%的房产,用以交换一部分首付款,那就继续这笔交易吧。

    If all you mean is that you gave her 30 per cent equity in exchange for a deposit , stick to the deal .

  21. 约有20%的房屋销售是全部以现金支付的。自住业主必须支付至少30%的首付款才能获得抵押贷款。

    About 20 per cent of sales are all-cash , and owner-occupiers must put a minimum of 30 per cent down for a mortgage .

  22. 这笔钱可能意味着足够支付买房的首付款,或是用来购买衣服家具等一大堆东西。

    It could mean having enough to help with a down payment on a home or spending money for everything from clothes and furniture .

  23. 反过来,她给了我一些钱交房子的首付款占首付款总额的20%左右。

    In return , she gave me some money towards the deposit on the house about 20 per cent of the total put down .

  24. 一些银行将这笔资金的使用限定在缴纳房子的首付款上,从而为旗下的抵押贷款分支机构带来业务。

    Some banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms .

  25. 政府担保的住房抵押贷款(尤其是免首付款或首付款很少的住房抵押贷款)不可避免会发生更多的坏账。

    Government-guaranteed home mortgages , especially when a negligible down payment or no down payment whatever is required , inevitably mean more bad loans than otherwise .

  26. 从最后一分钟打折,赠送免费装修、免费汽车以及对首付款的大量“成本分摊”等措施来看,还会有更大的降价到来。

    Reports of last-minute discounts , free renovation , free cars and " cost sharing " for down payments abound , suggesting even bigger concessions to come .

  27. 另一方面,融资租赁只需支付少量的首付款就可以获得农机具的使用权,相比较直接购买而言降低了固定资本投资的门槛。

    On the other hand , the right to use the agricultural machine can be gained by paying a small down payment , which is much easier than direct purchasing .

  28. 但我认为你的意思是,你姐姐为你支付了20%的首付款和30%的抵押贷款,迄今却什么回报都没得到。

    But I think you mean that your sister paid 20 per cent of your deposit and 30 per cent of your mortgage and has received nothing in return so far .

  29. 在我看来,房地产繁荣期已经结束,但由于房地产买家被要求支付至少30%的首付款,发生危机的风险很低。

    In my view the boom days are over , but with buyers required to put at least 30 per cent cash down , the risks of a crisis are low .

  30. 不久前,中央政府宣布修改楼市规定,降低二套房首付款,放宽对外销售房屋营业税。

    The gains came after a central government announcement to revise housing sector policies to lower down payments for second homes and loosen a capital gains tax period for apartment sales .