
  • 网络leading coefficient
  1. 特别地,若R还是连通的,则f的首项系数是单位。

    Moreover , if R is connected , then the leading coefficient of / is a unit .

  2. 我们研究了一类四阶对称微分算子的下方无界性,如果一个四阶对称微分算子的首项系数在一个正的Lebesgue测度集上是非负的,则其最小算子是下方无界的。

    It is proved that if the leading coefficient in a four-order symmetrical differential expression is negative on a set with positive Lebesgue measure , then the minimal operator ( and hence any self-adjoint realization of the four-order symmetrical differential expression ) is unbounded below .

  3. 讨论带Lp首项系数的散度形式二阶椭圆型微分方程的弱解的存在性,并给出了一些例子。

    The existence of the weak solution of elliptic differential equations of second order with Lp coefficients is discussed .

  4. 首项系数变号的Sturm-Liouville问题的特征值不等式

    Inequalities for Eigenvalues for Sturm-Liouville Problems with Change Sign Leading Coefficient

  5. 首项系数函数为正时Sturm-Liouville问题特征值间不等式的另一种证法

    Another Solution of the Inequalities among Eigenvalues for Sturm-Liouville Problems with Positive Leading Coefficient Function

  6. 本文构造了一个求首项系数为1,而其余系数均为相等负实数的多项式方程的最大正实根μ的迭代公式。

    In this paper , an iteration formula used for computing the positive root of polynomial equations has been construct-ed.

  7. 刘益在中国古代数学史上最先引入系数可为负数的方程,并突破了方程首项系数必须为1的限制。

    It was Liu Yi who first studied the equation with negative coefficients , and broke through the limit of the leading coefficient having to be 1 in the history of mathematics in ancient China .