
  1. 到2035年,首都功能核心区常住人口规模控制在170万人左右,地上建筑规模控制在1.19亿平方米左右。

    By 2035 , the permanent population in Beijing 's core area will be around 1.7 million , and the floor area of above-ground buildings will be around 119 million square meters .

  2. 在城市建设用地人口承载力中,采用人均指标法分区域进行评价,得出首都功能核心区人口处于超载状态;功能拓展区人口承载潜力有限等。

    Per capita index method used to evaluate the urban construction land population capability in the sub-region . The conclusion is that the existing population scale has exceeded the reasonable capability of the core area of the capital function , and there is some construction potentiality in functional development district .