
  • 网络PREMIERE;one
  1. 12月伦敦的首映礼上,康伯巴奇对一位观众说,我看到这一幕的时候差一点哭了。

    I nearly cried watching it , the star told an audience at a premiere screening of the episode in December .

  2. 卷福向AccessHollywood娱乐新闻透露,在该片的伦敦首映礼上,他碰巧偷听到搭档们对他演技的称赞,这让他感动不已。

    The Sherlock actor revealed to Access Hollywood that he was overwhelmed at the film 's London premiere , after overhearing his co-stars praise his performance .

  3. 上个月我参加了《监守自盗》在多伦多国际电影节(torontointernationalfilmfestival)上的首映礼,当时我感到深深的沮丧。

    Not for my own peace of mind . Last month I went to the premiere of inside job at the Toronto International Film Festival . It was a deeply unnerving experience .

  4. 百老汇的剧院仍在纠结这个问题,不过洛杉矶市中心的埃斯酒店剧院(TheateratAceHotel)为艾美奖获奖电视剧《透明家庭》(Transparent)的红毯首映礼准备了全性别卫生间

    Broadway theaters are still grappling with the issue , but the Theater at Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles had all-gender restrooms for the red carpet premiere of the Emmy-winning television series " Transparent . "

  5. 在HBO台首映礼红毯的Facebook流媒体直播视频上,红毯主持人维罗妮卡·贝尔蒙特问这个获得艾美奖的创作团队做到第六季是否有过“啊哈,我们完全做到了”的时刻。

    During HBO 's Facebook Live stream from the event 's red carpet , interviewer Veronica Belmont asked the Emmy-winning team if they had any " ah-ha ... we 've totally made it " moments coming into season 6 .

  6. 11月18日,众主演盛装出席《希区柯克》(Hitchcock)纽约首映礼。

    Making for quite the spectacle , the stars of " Hitchcock " hit the red carpet for their film 's New York City premiere on Sunday evening ( November 18 ) .

  7. 该片在伦敦举行红毯首映礼的第二天,她与《嘲笑鸟下》和前两部影片的导演弗朗西斯·劳伦斯(FrancisLawrence)一起在伦敦的一家酒店中,回忆了这部系列走过的艰难路途。

    She and the director Francis Lawrence , who was responsible for " Mockingjay Part 2 " as well as the two preceding films , were sitting in a London hotel the day after the movie 's red-carpet premiere here , recalling the often difficult path they traveled to bring the series to fruition .

  8. 我们刚刚为参加首映礼去逛街买了点衣服。

    We just went shopping for our outfits for the premiere .

  9. 嘿,那么,你有没有首映礼的票?

    Hey , so , did you get tickets to the premiere ?

  10. 我们送你首映礼的门票。

    We 'll give you tickets to the premiere .

  11. 我想邀请你一起去看首映礼。

    And I 'm thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere .

  12. 没错,你知道,我对首映礼也很激动。

    Yeah , you know , I was excited about the premiere , too .

  13. 电影《悲惨世界》纽约首映礼

    Les Mis é rables New York premiere

  14. 影迷们对那位英俊的演员充满爱慕之情,在首映礼上大喊大叫。

    The fans who had fallen for the handsome actor screamed and yelled at the premiere .

  15. 卸妆后:安吉丽娜·茱莉上周在柏林参加电影《特务间谍》的首映礼。

    Reality : The star as she appears normally attends the premiere of Salt in Berlin last week

  16. 在《贫民窟的百万富翁》北京首映礼上,丹尼•博伊尔称提名是一件“绝妙”的事情。

    Speaking at the premiere of his film in Beijing , Boyle described the appointment as " fantastic " .

  17. 全球首映礼原定于3月31日在伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行。

    The world premiere had been scheduled to take place on March 31 at the Royal Albert Hall in London .

  18. 惠灵顿的全球首映礼上,城市四分之一的人口都见证了这一电影的上映。

    The world premiere in Wellington saw a quarter of the city 's population , filled the streets to see it .

  19. 詹妮弗穿着露肩透视黑裙配着黑色口红在周五出席了新电影在巴黎的首映礼。

    Jennifer donned a revealing black dress and dark lipstick when she attended the Paris premiere of her latest film on Friday .

  20. 波特狂潮:在《哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)》首映礼开始前,数百名粉丝齐聚特拉法加广场。

    Pottermania : Hundreds of fans have gathered in Trafalgar Square ahead of tonight 's premiere of the final Harry Potter film .

  21. 《花木兰》于3月9日举行了红毯首映礼,然后……大家都知道发生了什么。

    Mulan had its red-carpet gala in Los Angeles on 9 March , but then ... well , we all know what happened next .

  22. 该电影的首映礼于12月18日在北京举行,并将于12月30日在中国大陆影院上映。

    A preview of the film was held in Beijing on Dec 18 . The film will open in Chinese mainland theaters on Dec 30 .

  23. 安吉丽娜朱莉选择缺席她姨妈的葬礼,这样她可以飞去英国支持皮特的新电影《僵尸世界大战》的首映礼。

    She opted to miss her aunt 's funeral so she could jet to Britain to support Brad Pitt at the premiere of his new movie World War Z.

  24. 昨晚在洛杉矶举行的《罗密欧与茱丽叶》首映礼,泰勒斯威夫特的现身给闺蜜海莉斯坦菲尔德好好做了一把宣传。

    Taylor Swift gave her friend Hailee Steinfeld a big girlfriend boost when she made an appearance at the premiere of Romeo and Juliet in LA last night .

  25. 在这部1999年上映的浪漫喜剧电影《落跑新娘》首映礼上,罗伯茨的着装再次表明中规中矩的服装并不一定就会令人生厌。

    At the premiere of her1999 romantic comedy , Runaway Bride , Roberts showed that understated doesn 't have to mean boring in this sleek Calvin Klein dress .

  26. 罗伯特帕丁森在出席最新一部电影的首映礼时也留了两鬓胡须,而本阿弗莱克曾说自己的胡茬是能在奥斯卡上带来好运的幸运胡茬。

    Robert Pattison sported a thick mane at the premier of his latest film , while Ben Affleck said his stubble was his good luck charm for the Oscars .

  27. 周三,由她出演的最新电影《钢铁侠3》在好莱坞举办首映礼。帕特洛对这一赞誉表示了惊讶和不敢当。

    At the Hollywood premiere of her latest film " Iron Man 3 " on Wednesday , Paltrow said she was thrilled and added that it 's obviously not true .

  28. 这些演员们从周一在伦敦举办的首映礼开始到现在去了马德里,罗马和柏林。

    The cast kicked things off on Monday when they held the world premiere of Catching Fire in London and have since moved on to Madrid , Rome , and Berlin .

  29. 这也不是泰勒这个月第一次出现在电影首映礼为朋友站台了她还出现在多伦多电影节支持电影《机遇》。

    This isn 't the first film premiere that Taylor has attended in the past month she also made an appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival to support One Chance .

  30. 周四晚上,斯嘉丽约翰逊一袭闪亮的红色小礼服搭配同样颜色的口红和指甲出席了《美国队长2》在伦敦的首映礼。

    On Thursday night , Scarlett Johansson stepping out in a stunning red cocktail dress with matching lipstick and a manicure , to attend the London premiere of Captain America : The Winter soldier .