- 网络first edition;prototype

She pickedupa valuable first edition at a village book sale .
We hope to expand and improve on this first edition in the future .
Brown gave him a romantic antique biography of Churchill , and Obama gave him a DVD box set .
He bought the first hardback edition new in 1974 and sold it two years ago on eBay for his reserve price of 900 .
In the academic year after launching its first version last November , Lore was used in at least one class in 600 universities and colleges .
It is deemed to an authoritative western music history book around the world .
That stocked rare first editions .
First published in the United States in1951 , the novel remains controversial to this day .
There are also many details should be care , the package is selected strictly and without any quality problems .
First published in July 1687 , Isaac Newton 's Principia is one of the most important books ever written .
It was translated from its original Dutch and first published in English in1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl .
Tendenza Veronica ,( Veronica 's Trend ), is a revised edition of a book first published in2004 by journalist Maria Latella .
Moby-Dick is 1st published November 181851 , Herman Melville 's Moby-Dick is first published as The Whale by Richard Bentley of London .
In all there are more than 2000 new items in the third edition of the dictionary , which was originally published in 1998 .
A New York family was in the process of and moving out of their home when they discovered a rare copy of Action Comics No.1 in their basement . It 's the comic book that introduced Superman to the world and it 's considered the of comic books .
Belgian French-language daily has issued what is thought to be Europe 's first3D newspaper-complete with cardboard viewing glasses .
Research In Motion Ltd on Wednesday launched a first flip version of its popular BlackBerry Pearl smart phone .
When the first beta of the Adobe integrated runtime ( AIR ) was released , I made a simple hello-world application .
Sencha : The first release ( v1 ) will happen within the month .
However , in the case of the first release , the domestic version may be released with the code already nl-enabled , but before the translations are available .
Impala is not currently OSGi compliant although this is also planned for the first full release .
As JiBX nears initial production release , it 's looking like a great alternative for many applications .
VOICE ONE : We leave you with a song from the movie version of the musical " Grease . " It is about two teenagers who meet during their summer vacation and fall in love .
I 'm currently investigating adding support for this type of operation to JiBX , though it probably won 't be until after the initial production release .
But then even a good cover version can get you humming .
The charity CD , priced at NZ $ 4.99 ( $ 3.93 ), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song , but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear .