
  • 网络first edition;prototype
  1. 她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。

    She pickedupa valuable first edition at a village book sale .

  2. 期望未来能够就此首版内容进行扩充和改进。

    We hope to expand and improve on this first edition in the future .

  3. 布朗送给奥巴马的礼物是稀丘吉尔传记首版,而对方的回礼却是一套DVD。

    Brown gave him a romantic antique biography of Churchill , and Obama gave him a DVD box set .

  4. 他1974年买了一本全新的首版精装本,两年前在ebay上以900英镑的底价卖掉了它。

    He bought the first hardback edition new in 1974 and sold it two years ago on eBay for his reserve price of 900 .

  5. Lore在去年11月推出它的首版,在那个学年里,600所大学和学院里都至少有一间使用Lore的班级。

    In the academic year after launching its first version last November , Lore was used in at least one class in 600 universities and colleges .

  6. 格劳特《西方音乐史》首版于1960年,在世界范围内被认为是一部极具权威性的西方音乐历史著作。

    It is deemed to an authoritative western music history book around the world .

  7. 那里有珍贵的首版书。

    That stocked rare first editions .

  8. 首版于1951年在美国发行,小说在今日仍能引发强烈的争议。

    First published in the United States in1951 , the novel remains controversial to this day .

  9. 其实首版还有很多细节值得您去关注,比如包装都是经过筛选,印刷不良的次品一律废弃。

    There are also many details should be care , the package is selected strictly and without any quality problems .

  10. 首版于1687年7月的《艾萨克·牛顿定律》是有史以来最重要的书籍之一。

    First published in July 1687 , Isaac Newton 's Principia is one of the most important books ever written .

  11. 日记首版由原荷兰文翻译成英文于1952年出版,名字为《一个少女的日记》(《安妮日记》)。

    It was translated from its original Dutch and first published in English in1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl .

  12. 最新修订的《韦罗妮卡动向》一书于2004年首版,由记者玛利亚-拉泰拉整理出版。

    Tendenza Veronica ,( Veronica 's Trend ), is a revised edition of a book first published in2004 by journalist Maria Latella .

  13. 《莫比-迪克》首版1851年的11月18日,赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的《莫比-迪克》以《白鲸记》的名字首次由伦敦的神学家理查德·宾利出版发行。

    Moby-Dick is 1st published November 181851 , Herman Melville 's Moby-Dick is first published as The Whale by Richard Bentley of London .

  14. 《牛津英语大词典》第三版共收录了两千多个新词。该词典于1998年首版。

    In all there are more than 2000 new items in the third edition of the dictionary , which was originally published in 1998 .

  15. 纽约一个家庭正在打包物品,准备从房屋中搬出,却在地下室中发现了首版《动作漫画》,这是全世界第一本介绍超人的书,被认为是漫画的圣杯。

    A New York family was in the process of and moving out of their home when they discovered a rare copy of Action Comics No.1 in their basement . It 's the comic book that introduced Superman to the world and it 's considered the of comic books .

  16. 比利时一家法语报纸最近推出了欧洲首份3D版的报纸,随报附赠特制眼镜以便读者体验3D效果。

    Belgian French-language daily has issued what is thought to be Europe 's first3D newspaper-complete with cardboard viewing glasses .

  17. 动态研究(RIM)有限公司于本周三推出了首款翻盖版的黑莓珍珠智能手机,黑莓珍珠为该公司广受市场欢迎的一款智能手机。

    Research In Motion Ltd on Wednesday launched a first flip version of its popular BlackBerry Pearl smart phone .

  18. 当AIR的首个beta版发布时,我就实现了一个简单的hello-world示例。

    When the first beta of the Adobe integrated runtime ( AIR ) was released , I made a simple hello-world application .

  19. Sencha:首个正式版(v1)将于下个月发布。

    Sencha : The first release ( v1 ) will happen within the month .

  20. 然而,在首个发行版的情况中,国内版本可能是用已经启用本地语言的代码发行,但是在翻译可用之前进行的。

    However , in the case of the first release , the domestic version may be released with the code already nl-enabled , but before the translations are available .

  21. 尽管Impala计划在其首个完全发布版中增加对OSGi的支持,但是它现在与OSGi并不兼容。

    Impala is not currently OSGi compliant although this is also planned for the first full release .

  22. 随着JiBX首个产品发行版发行日期的临近,对于众多的应用程序而言,似乎有了一个更好的选择。

    As JiBX nears initial production release , it 's looking like a great alternative for many applications .

  23. 这首歌曲来自电影版的音乐剧《Grease》(《油脂》)中,这部电影讲述的是两位年轻人在他们夏天的假期中相遇并坠入爱河的故事。

    VOICE ONE : We leave you with a song from the movie version of the musical " Grease . " It is about two teenagers who meet during their summer vacation and fall in love .

  24. 目前,我正在研究为JiBX添加对这类操作的支持,尽管在首个产品发行版发行后该工作才可能会完成。

    I 'm currently investigating adding support for this type of operation to JiBX , though it probably won 't be until after the initial production release .

  25. 但是,哪怕是一首好的翻唱版也是会让你不由自主哼起来的。

    But then even a good cover version can get you humming .

  26. 这张标价4.99新西兰元(合3.93美元)的慈善唱片包括这首歌曲的演奏版和演唱版,但凯里吉说他不知道小狗们会听到什么样的音乐。

    The charity CD , priced at NZ $ 4.99 ( $ 3.93 ), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song , but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear .