- sigh;exclamation;interjective;sigh with feeling

[sigh with feeling] 有所感触而叹息
[exclamation] 强烈 [抗议、申斥或抱怨]的语言
I was expressing some amazement and wonder at her good fortune
The Government has got to get a grip . Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn 't good enough .
She trimmed back my flowery language , drew lines through my exclamation marks and argued for the value of restraint in expression .
the doge version would be " Much noble , so respect . " In addition to these phrases , a doge utterance4 often ends with a single word , most often " wow " but with " amaze " and " excite " also being used .
He said with a sigh : " It seems that I am a person with a muddled8 head after all . "
Tsau Jr was very intelligent and loved to study . He wrote many outstanding articles which showed his artistic1 talent and earned him the admiration2 of many people .
And even if they sometimes do nothing at all . And that letter is called -- very revealing , I think -- " Slow Down ! " -- with an exclamation36 mark on the end .
One day , while our son was talking to a little friend , a motorcycle passed by . He excitedly pointed4 it out to the boy and exclaimed , " Look at that ! Look at that ! I 'm getting one of those as soon as my dad dies . "
After hearing this , Confucius sighed , " People tend to believe their eyes , but what you see with your eyes is not always true . People also tend to trust their own judgments , but judgments could be wrong sometimes . So remember , it is difficult to know a person . "
On the Interjection Well
Yes , that 's an exclamation mark , not a pipe .
The exclamation mark is used the same way as a pipe in shell commands .
To change the period to an exclamation point , press the r key and then press the !
On the first day of my recent trip to Hong Kong , the South China Morning Post had a front-page story bemoaning the neglect of English .
The most wonderful thing about the Web is how often you run into some resource , and a few weeks later wonder how you ever managed without it .
Canadians commonly end sentences with the interjection eh .
But his name still lives as part of the English language . Other popular exclamations combine holy with other words .
If you ever go to Canada , you will hear Canadians using the word / interjection eh in their speech , frequently .
The interjection eh can mean many different things in English though , from Excuse me , to Please repeat that , or huh ?
A yellow exclamation mark next to the first condition ( as shown ), indicates that the common name you entered during IBM HTTP Server SSL enablement does not match the hostname of the machine .
If you ever travel to Canada you will likely find that you will pick up the use of the interjection eh in your own speech .
Granted , this isn 't a very high bar to clear : " better than ' Transformers 4 " " barely counts as praise , even with an exclamation mark .
To help you better understand the use of the interjection eh that is part of the Canadian accent , here are some example sentences in which it is used .
The exclamation point before the expression negates the elsif expression .
Exclamations like these come ripping out of the workshop next to my house every day : My husband is an antiques restorer who studied under a master restorer from Buckingham Palace 's antiquities division .
On Tuesday , with the announcement of the split , the hashtag \# Brangelina quickly became the top trending item on Twitter , with fans reacting to the news with a range of emotions , including laments over the death of love ;
A recent email that Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute sent unbidden to one high school senior invited him " to apply with Candidate 's Choice status ! " ( The boldface letters and the exclamation point are Rensselaer 's , not mine . )
I stored an exclamation mark (!) in a column of one of my DB2 UDB for OS / 390 tables from SPUFI .
Narliker has described as " the gathering of real danger clouds on the horizons of our higher education scene "( 2003,17 ), and ruing the lost time and opportunities .
A man and a woman start to have sex in the middle of a dark forest . After 15 minutes , the man gets up and says , " Damn , I wish I had a flashlight ! " The woman says , " Me , too . You 've been eating grass for the past ten minutes ! "