
ɡǎn rǎn lì
  • appeal;infection;infectivity;pathos;charge;undertow
感染力 [gǎn rǎn lì]
  • [inspiration] 能引起别人产生相同思想感情的力量;启发智慧或激励感情的能力

  • 这首诗具有强烈的感染力

  1. 而CI设计中,视觉识别设计(VI)最具传播力和感染力,最容易被公众接受,具有重要意义。

    And Visual identification ( VI ) design which has the important meaning is the most spread and infection force , most likely to be accepted by the public in CI design .

  2. 外源性一氧化氮对约氏疟原虫配子体感染力影响的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Effet of Exogenous NO on Parasites During the Early Stage of Infection with plasmodium yoelii

  3. 他们是最富感染力的现场表演摇滚乐组合之一。

    They were one of rock 's most impressive live acts .

  4. 披头士乐队的感染力经久不衰。

    The Beatles have never really lost their appeal .

  5. 他的热情富有感染力。

    His enthusiasm was contagious .

  6. 笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一。

    Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion

  7. 她做任何事情都充满一种极富感染力的热情。

    She radiates an infectious enthusiasm for everything she does

  8. 罗伊将这些信息提炼成一种非常有感染力的东西。

    Roy distills these messages into something powerful

  9. 热情非常富有感染力。

    Enthusiasm is very catching .

  10. 笑是有感染力的。

    Laughing is contagious

  11. 他秉承自己一贯的激进风格,制作出了本年度美国最有感染力的影片之一。

    He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith with his radical principles .

  12. 她的演讲总是充满感染力。

    She can always give a powerful speech .

  13. 他是一位富有感染力的出庭律师。

    He is an emotive trial lawyer .

  14. 他的设计在视觉上很有感染力。

    His designs have a strong visual appeal .

  15. 他的幽默很有感染力。

    His humor is highly infectious .

  16. 这些学校建筑具备坚实而朴素的建筑感染力,并且将在多年内使人看上去感到舒畅美观。

    These school buildings have a strong , simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years .

  17. 他的笑富有感染力。

    He 's got a contagious laugh .

  18. 她的笑声多么具有感染力啊!

    What an infectious laugh she has !

  19. 回忆罗格的一生,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫表示:“首先,罗格热爱运动,喜欢与运动员在一起——他把这种热情传递给了每一个认识他的人。他在运动中的快乐很有感染力。

    Remembering his life , IOC President Thomas Bach recalled : " First and foremost , Jacques loved sport and being with athletes - and he transmitted this passion to everyone who knew him . His joy in sport was infectious .

  20. 有感染力的UI是由一组协调、相关的颜色所构成。

    Appealing UIs feature sets of colors that are coordinated and harmonious .

  21. 我们采用轨迹井跟踪、调色板和图层技术来生成这类具有艺术感染力的3D分形图像,并且生成算法简单、快速。

    We use the orbit trap tracing , color palette and layering technique to produce 3D fractal image which has a fascinated appearance . The method proposed is simple and fast .

  22. VI即(VisualIdentity),通译为视觉识别系统,是CIS系统最具传播力和感染力的部分。

    VI , VI that ( Visual Identity ), translated through visual recognition system , the CIS system is the most spread and appeal of the part .

  23. 视觉识别(VI)在CI系统中最具有传播力和感染力,最容易被社会大众所接受,据有主导的地位。

    Visual identification ( VI ) the CI system and the dissemination of the most appealing and most likely to be accepted by the public , it has a leading position .

  24. Jess和Lili是营造难忘之夜的功臣,尤其是他们在婚礼上的跳舞和具有感染力的幸福。

    Jess and Lili were an instrumental part in creating a spectacular night , especially with their wedding dance and infectious happiness .

  25. 血清HBVdna阳性率最高达96.15%,显著高于其它模式(P<0.05或<0.01),提示HBsAg的抗原性与感染力并不等同。

    HBeAg and anti-HBc had the highest HBV DNA positivity of 96 . 15 % ( 50 / 52 ), significantly higher than other patterns ( P < 0 . 025-0 . 001 ) . The results suggested that the antigenic-ity of HBsAg was not correlated to infectiousness ;

  26. MacMcGarry:“每次抬起头我都会看到只有17岁的年轻人,我就会想,我一定不能变老。他们的热情很有感染力,这是毫无疑问的。你必须加快速度保持与他们的步伐一致。”

    MAC MCGARRY : " Every time I look up , I see people who are just seventeen years old , and somehow I think , well , I must not be growing older at all . Their enthusiasm is contagious , no question about it . You really have to rev yourself up to keep up with them . "

  27. 我喜欢克莱尔的性格,她的笑声很有感染力。

    I love Claire 's personality and her laugh is infectious .

  28. 消毒剂对脊髓灰质炎病毒感染力灭活的研究

    Study on the Effect of Inactivation of Poliovirus Infectivity by Disinfectants

  29. 他说艺术品没有感染力,而且过时了。

    He says that the artwork is uninspiring and old fashioned .

  30. 她的快乐极富感染力,很快我们大家都笑了。

    Her happiness was catching and soon we were all laughing .