
  1. 游戏目标是把你的腿钩在皮筋上,按一定顺序钩出圈圈和图案,跳皮筋同时通常还会念一段词儿或唱一首歌。

    The objective of this game is to hook your legs into the rope to form loops and patterns in a certain sequence . This is often accompanied by a rhyme or song .

  2. 由老师先念一个句子:petermustn'tsleepinclass.接着老师念一个新词组:eatlunch。

    M : Peter mustn 't sleep in class .

  3. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子,比方:候选人依赖竞选委员会主管人员来赢得选举.Thecandidatesdependontheircampaignmanagerstowintheelection。

    M : The candidates depend on their campaign managers to win the election .

  4. 但如果你考虑念一个mba,就应该知道如何最大限度地利用它。

    But if you are considering doing an MBA , you should know how to make the most of it .

  5. 教师请幼儿跟念一次。

    Now , please follow me to read the rhyme .

  6. 念一段麦琪的魔法咒语,头发就理好了。

    With a little Maggie Magic my haircut is done .

  7. 念一次文,就不害怕了。

    Say an our father , and your fear will go away .

  8. 如果你还念一点姐妹情。

    If you have one sisterly bone in your body .

  9. 你应该过来试念一段台词。

    You should come over and read for a part .

  10. 在离开一天之前念一小时。

    Dictated for an hour before leaving for the day .

  11. 请允许我给大家念一首诗。

    I 'd like to do a poem , if I may .

  12. 丽齐在念一封信,凯蒂荷莉迪亚也在场。

    Lizzie reads a letter . Kitty and Lydia are also present .

  13. 她在念一篇故事给孩子们听。

    She was reading a story to the children .

  14. 老师念一个词,全班学生齐声跟读。

    The teacher reads a word , the class says it in concert .

  15. 我有个朋友需要再念一年。

    I have a friend who has to stay in college another year .

  16. “再念一次吧,阿米尔少爷。”哈桑会这么说。

    " Read it again please , Amir agha ," Hassan would say .

  17. 我还要在澳大利亚管理学院念一个学期。

    I have one term remaining at agsm .

  18. 提防那只念一本书的人。

    Beware of the man of one book .

  19. 念一所好大学让自己远离这一切

    and go to a good college and get yourself away from this mess .

  20. 我来给你们念一个。

    And I 'll just read one .

  21. 当天使来的时候,我念一段旧的诗文,他就厌烦了;

    When it is an angel I pray an old prayer , and he is bored ;

  22. 我对自己念一次咒语,缓慢从容,逐字逐句。

    I say the mantra to myself once very slowly and deliberately , syllable by syllable .

  23. 我随便给你念一句吧。

    I could read you a random sentence . Uhm , * No , not that one .

  24. 女巫黑格把满满一锅蟾蜍放在火里炖,妖里妖气地给它们念一道可怕的咒语;

    Hagar , the witch , chanted an awful over her kettleful of toads , with effect .

  25. 沉默了片刻后,他说他想要人给他念一段祷文。

    After a little while of silence , he said he thought somebody might read a prayer .

  26. “听着。”她挑衅地说,开始用同样的腔调念一节古歌谣。

    And listen , 'she continued provokingly , commencing a verse of an old ballad in the same fashion .

  27. 为了念一个研究生课程,我还专门从公司辞职,因此得罪了公司的人。

    I had just quit a job to go to graduate school , and the people there resented me for it .

  28. 爷爷有时念一点,但我的书他不感兴趣,我又不愿意老叫布鲁克来念。

    Grandpa does sometimes , but my books don 't interest him , and I hate to ask Brooke all the time .

  29. 然后,今晚我要让你回家,然后念一段磁带录音机和评估自己的声音。祝大家每天进步一点点!

    Then tonight I want you to go home and read a passage into a tape recorder and evaluate your own voice .

  30. 暴露于日光下(尤其是午睡),(容我碎碎念一句,不怕皮肤癌么?),有助于避免午睡,巩固人体生物节律。

    By exposing yourself to sunlight ( particularly in the afternoon ), you help prevent midday sleepiness and reinforce your body 's circadian rhythms .