
  • 网络Telekinesis;psychokinesis;Psychic;Confusion
  1. 相信念力之人,请举起我的手。

    All those who believe in psychokinesis , raise my hand .

  2. 这些年轻人有心灵感应能力、念力、隐身等各种神奇的特异功能,而这些特殊能力也让他们的爱情、友情和生活更加复杂。

    Powers like telepathy , telekinesis , teleportation , and other interesting tele-things emerge in teenagers , complicating their lives and relationships .

  3. 冥想当然已经有了千年的历史,念力随处可见,从教室到医生的手术都有。

    Meditation , of course , has had a millennial makeover ; mindfulness is everywhere - from the classroom to the doctor 's surgery .

  4. 以我非常有限的经验,亚洲男人的魅力来自于精神上的念力而不是美国男人那样生理上的强力;

    The charm of Asian men , from my very limited experience , comes from the mental power rather than physical power of American men ;

  5. 现在是让你的观众参与尝试的最佳时机,但是,当然相比念力,这个把戏还有更多。

    Now is the perfect time to let your spectators try , but of course , there is more to this trick than the power of thought .

  6. 在软件设计上,采用念力控制新概念实现各子模块间的智能连接,进而实现铸铁质量快速分析的概念化和功能化。

    New control conception called idea 's force has been used in design of software to realize an intelligent connection of models hence conceptualization and functionality of quick analysis .

  7. 我轻轻地举着一根,而另一根在上面,我使用念力,我将努力使上面的火柴跳跃。

    I gently hold a match like this and place the other one on top , by using the power of thought I shall try to make the top match jump .

  8. 这里“工作”最重要的含义是经常、自律练习觉察每一个当下(念力),完全地“拥有”你经历的每一个时刻,好、坏、或丑陋的。

    This " work " involves above all the regular , disciplined practice of moment-to-moment awareness or mindfulness , the complete " owning " of each moment of your experience , good , bad , or ugly .