
  • 网络National singing method;folk style singing
  1. 确立本土音乐地位弘扬中国民族唱法

    Establish Position of Home Music Carry Forword Chinese Traditional Vocal Music

  2. 浅论声乐教学中民族唱法的教学方法

    On Teaching Method of Folk Songs in the Vocal Music Teaching

  3. 论民族唱法中的基本要素

    Comment on the basic factors in the singing in a national way

  4. 他们齐声合唱叠句。浅谈美声唱法与当代民族唱法的融合

    On the Integration of Bel Canto and Modern Folk Singing

  5. 第一部分:民族唱法。

    The first part : " national singing " .

  6. 试论民族唱法女高音的嗓音调节

    A Exploration of Soprano Voice Fine-tune in Folk Music

  7. 这三重因素决定着民族唱法的艺术效果。

    The triple factors determine the artistic result of the national singing style .

  8. 第三部分:原生态唱法与民族唱法的未来展望。

    The third part : the developing road of original singing and national singing .

  9. 民族唱法在戏曲发声技术中吸取精华

    Chinese National Singing Drawing on Opera Vocal Skills

  10. 中国民族唱法特色的探讨

    On the Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Vocality

  11. 美声通俗民族唱法之间的关系及其发声原理

    The Relationship among the Bel canto the Popular Singing and the Folk Singing and their Vocal Principles

  12. 科学的民族唱法必须是多种多样的,风格也不是单一性的,应该是多元化的。

    The scientific national singing must be varied , the style is not oneness , should be diversified .

  13. 因此,对于民族唱法中的咬字和吐字的学习与掌握是非常重要的。

    Therefore , the National Singing in the pronunciation and articulation of learning and mastering it is very important .

  14. 我国现阶段民族唱法主要包括新民族唱法、曲艺说唱、民歌演唱、戏曲唱法。

    Singing of our nation at this stage include a new national singing , story-singing , song singing opera .

  15. 身体美学视野下的声乐艺术&以民族唱法的声腔美为个案

    The Vocality Art under the Visual Field of Body Aesthetics & Take Vocal Beauty of the Ethical Singing as Example

  16. 第三章,新时期民族唱法女声演唱艺术的发展。

    Third part described the singing characteristic and style of the national singing of female vocal singing in the new era .

  17. 对古代唱论进行梳理、研究,有利于现代学习民族唱法的人们学习、借鉴。

    This article makes an introduction on several singing theories in ancient ages , in hope to be contributive to national singing methods .

  18. 我国民族唱法中的歌唱语言是依据我国鲜明的民族语言特点来吐字行腔的。

    The singing language in China 's national singing follows china 's national language 's distinct characteristics to articulate words and render tunes .

  19. 论文就民族唱法中几个问题进行分析:民间唱法是民族歌唱的本源;

    The article gives analysis to the problems in the rule of national singing : folk singing as the headstream of national singing ;

  20. 第二部分阐述了民族唱法的特点,主要论述民族声乐对美声唱法的借鉴和融合。

    Part II deals with the characteristics of the national singing , mainly on the bel canto vocal on national and integration of reference .

  21. 第三部分:阐述民族唱法的风格特点的风格特点及其喉腔状态和运用方式对民族唱法风格的影响。

    Part III This part explains the style and character of folk singing and the influence from the state and application mode of laryngeal cavity .

  22. 20世纪上半叶及其之前的这一时期,是传统民族唱法的代表时期。

    The time before 20th century and the former half of 20th century is a representative time of the " tradition racial singing method " .

  23. 无论是美声唱法还是民族唱法,一个共同重视的问题就是训练出通畅、圆润、饱满,动听的声音。

    Whether it is Chinese national singing or bel canto singing , a common concern is that the sound should be smooth , rounded and full .

  24. 中国歌唱艺术的民族唱法有广义和狭义之分,本文只是从狭义的角度去研究民族唱法从传统的唱法到“中国唱法”这一演变过程。

    Here we just study the racial singing methods development from the traditional singing method of China to " Chinese singing method " by the narrow sense .

  25. 曲艺演唱近于说话;戏曲唱法杂乱无章,这些说法是对传统民族唱法误解,也是对传统的民族唱法缺乏信心的表现。

    Folk singing to speak ; opera singing be , these claims are the traditional canto misunderstanding , but also on the traditional ethnic singing lacks confidence .

  26. 民族唱法及特点:民族唱法起源于我国,它已有着悠久的发展历史。

    The race sing method and characteristics : The race sing a method to originate an our country , it have already have long of development history .

  27. 现场的演出效果非常好,不仅是作品本身好,同时在民族唱法上也是成功的探索和创新!

    Live performance is very good , not only the work itself is good , while singing in the nation is also the success of exploration and innovation !

  28. 民族唱法和通俗唱法在音色上存在明显的差异,各自以其独特的音色魅力和艺术特征在声乐艺术领域有着不可取代的地位,并分别拥有庞大的受众群。

    Timbre difference is great between the style of folk singing and popular singing , each has its timbre charming , artistic characteristics , unchangeable status and mass audience .

  29. 民族唱法在歌唱中还强调“字正腔圆”、“以情带声,声情并茂”的原则。

    The race sing a method to still emphasize the principle of " the word positive chamber circle "," take a voice by feeling , voice feeling combine luxuriant " in sing .

  30. 摘要中、西方合唱音乐作品在演唱用声风格上存有差异,中国合唱音乐作品在演唱方法上与美声唱法、民族唱法亦有不同。

    As there are some differences in the style of articulation between the western and Chinese chorus works , so are the singing techniques of Chinese chorus works , bel canto and folk singing .