
mín zú diào chá
  • investigation of nationality
  1. 贵州民族调查与民族医药研究

    Study of Ethnic Medicine and Guizhou 's Ethnic Investigation

  2. 民族调查与布依学研究

    Ethnic Investigation and the Bouyeis Study

  3. 20世纪前半期中山大学与西南民族调查

    On Sun Yat-sen University and Southwestern Ethnics Investigations In the First Half of the 20th Century

  4. 把民族调查继续进行下去

    Going on with Ethnic Investigation

  5. 文章介绍了贵州民族调查在弘扬少数民族的爱国主义精神方面所作的贡献。

    This article introduces contribution of Guizhou 's ethnic investigation towards carrying forward the spirit of ethnic patriotism .

  6. 本文根据有关档案史料,就民国政府对贵州少数民族调查的情况及成果做初步研究。

    Based on files , the paper studys the cases and fruits of these investigations by the Nationalist Government .

  7. 六山六水民族调查与贫困县小康村的发展

    Ethnic Investigation of " Six Mountains and Six Rivers " and Development of Comfortably - off Hamlets in Impoverished Counties

  8. 经历了20年的六山六水民族调查,基本摸清了贵州民族经济的主要特点、存在的主要问题。

    Ethnic investigation of " Six Mountains and Six Rivers " of 20 years basically finds out that the main characteristics and problems of Guizhou 's ethnic economics .

  9. 六山六水民族调查中的民族历史文献:关于本土的历史民族志考察了历史民族志的社会文化本体研究和后殖民人类学历史文本的多声道反思;

    Ethnic Historical Documents of Fieldwork Investigation : about Historical Ethnography It investigates the study of social culture of historical ethnography and the introspection of multichannels of postcolonial anthropological historical text .

  10. 过去有学者对民国时期学术团体与学者的西南少数民族调查做过介绍,但对民国政府组织的官方调查却没有人进行过研究,有关调查资料亦未得到合理的整理利用。

    Some scholars have introduced the investigations made by academic organizations and individuals in the period of Republic of China , but no one studied the investigations or used these materials made by the government .

  11. 新中国成立以后,开展了大规模的民族调查,研究机构、研究人员以及学术著作、论文不断涌现,西南民族史研究进入了一个新的历史时期。

    After the foundation of the People 's Republic of China , Southwest ethnic history study has entered into a new stage . Large-scale ethnic research work has been conducted and there have increasingly appeared special research institutions and professionals .

  12. 本文对六山六水民族调查中的小康村调查进行了全面透视,总结出小康村的特点、优势和经验,提出小康村目前需要解决的问题。

    In the light of investigations about comfortably-off hamlets in the ethnic investigation of " Six Mountains and Six Rivers ", this article summarizes characteristics , advantages and experience of comfortably-off hamlets and points out problems that the hamlets must resolve at present .

  13. 作者结合贵州六山六水民族调查,就贵州民族风情旅游的开发,从10个方面进行了阐述,对今后的民族调查与民族风情旅游开发提出了对策建议。

    In the light of ethnic investigation of " Six Mountains and Six Rivers ", this article expounds Guizhou 's tourism development of ethnic customs from 10 aspects and puts forward countermeasures on ethnic investigation and tour of ethnic customs in the future .

  14. 角色与生存&一个基层科技机构的民族志调查

    Role and Existence & Ethnographic Study of a Primary Level Scientific Organization

  15. 20世纪90年代西北城市社区民族通婚调查研究&以西宁市城中区为例

    Research Study on the Racial Intermarry of the City Community of Northwest China in 1990s

  16. 中国濒危少数民族语言调查研究&满语现存情况调查报告

    Investigate and Research on the Endangering Minorities ' Language of China-Investigation Report on the Existing Situation of Manchu Language

  17. 运用社会学和民族学田调查方法,对少数民族干部的地位、作用和综合素质进行调研分析,概括了当前少数民族干部综合素质现状与教育需求特点。

    With the method of Anthropological Field Work , making a investigation and analysis on the ethnic minority cadres ' position , role and individual comprehensive qualities , to summarize the major issues existing contemporarily .

  18. 四川四个少数民族ABO血型调查报告

    A report on findings of ABO blood groups among four minority nationalities in Sichuan

  19. 927名不同民族儿童智商调查分析

    A study of intellectual quotient of 927 children of different nationalities

  20. 新疆少数民族网络受众调查分析

    An Investigative Analysis on the Minority Network-Communication Audiences in Xinjiang

  21. 昆明市四种少数民族心理卫生调查

    Investigation of Psychological Health of Four Minority Nationality in the Kunming City

  22. 新疆两乡民族混合家庭调查

    An Investigation of the Ethnic Blended Families in Two Townships in Xinjiang

  23. 新疆撒拉族民族社会学调查

    An Ethnographic Survey Of the Sala Nationality in Xinjiang

  24. 论二十世纪前期人类学家对西南少数民族的体质调查及研究

    Physical Investigations of Southwest China 's Ethnic People by Anthropologists in Early 20th Century

  25. 本文对全国21省(区)农村及少数民族地区流行病学调查死亡资料,进行分析。

    The paper analyses the material obtained from epidemiological survey in rural areas and areas of the minority in21 provinces in China .

  26. 男性对地震灾害的认知程度和响应水平好于女性,不同民族的被调查群体只在地震灾害知识和灾时自救互救2个变量上存在显著性差异。

    The cognition-and-response level of male are relatively higher than female . Significant differences only exist in the variables of earthquake knowledge and self - and mutual-rescuing in the earthquake among the groups with different nationalities . 3 .

  27. 其成就主要在史学,可分为佛家哲学和佛教史、礼俗风俗史、唐宋史和民族社会历史调查研究四个方面。

    His achievements were mainly in historiography , and could be broken up into four aspects : Buddha philosophy and history of Buddhism , history of Chinese etiquette and custom , history of the Tang and Song Dynasties , and investigation and study of history of national society .

  28. 贵州苗、布依、侗、水四个少数民族Rh血型分布调查分析

    The investigation and analysis of the Rh blood type distribution in four kinds of the minority nationalities ( Miao , Buyi , Dong and Shui ) in Guizhou , China

  29. 西双版纳勐腊县少数民族消费价值观调查

    A Study of Consumption Values of Minorities in Mengla in Xishuangbanna

  30. 贵州省企业少数民族员工心理契约调查研究

    A Study on Psychological Contract of Minority Employees in Guizhou Enterprise