
  1. 论新时期中国民族文物的保护

    On the Protection of Chinese Ethnic Cultural Relics in the New Period

  2. 民族文物是中华民族的珍贵遗产,应及时抢救保护。

    We should save and protect these ethnic relics .

  3. 西部开发与民族文物干部的培养

    Western Development and The Training of the Cadres for the Protection of Cultural Relics

  4. 从民族学视角论中国民族文物及其保护与抢救

    Protections & Salvages : A Study on Ethnic Cultural Relics from Ethnology CHINA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL PROPERTY

  5. 第二,民族文物在不同博物馆的实践与中国人类学史的传统之间有密切的关系。

    Secondly , the various practice models of cultural relics shows intimate connections with the historical process of anthropology in China .

  6. 本文是关于民族文物的历史、实践与话语分析的博物馆人类学研究。

    In the view of museum anthropology , this paper is focused on analyzing the history , practice and discourse of cultural relics from ethnic groups in China .

  7. 从我国文物建筑保护的现状入手,论述了我国文物建筑研究中的薄弱环节。关于民族文物的几点认识

    Starting with the current situation of preservation of chinese cultural relics architecture , this article discuses a weat point in researching the cultural relics architecture . On the Chinese Ethnic Cultural Relics

  8. 民间传说(传奇),传奇文学这种故事或故事集各地还建立了一些博物馆、文化馆,搜集、保护少数民族文物。

    A body or collection of such stories . In addition , museums and cultural centers have been established in various places for the collection and preservation of cultural relics of ethnic minorities .

  9. 由中国少数民族文物保护协会主办、华夏时代·传媒承办的和谐中华·首届民族之花选拔活动,2006年8月27日在北京公布了最后结果。

    Sponsored by the Ethnic Cultural Relic Preservation Association of China and conducted by China Times Media , " Harmonious China-the First Selective Activity of Ethnic Group Flowers " published its final results in Beijing on August 27,2006 .

  10. 黑龙江地区文物有自身的特点,因而在举办陈列时应注意发挥地下文物遗存保存较好、民族文物丰富等特征,举办具有黑龙江自身特征的特色文物陈列。

    Cultural relic in heilongjiang Province have feature , so when conduct exhibition , should play some features , such as cultural relic was keep well , cultural relic of national is rich , and conduct cultural relic exhibition with heilongjiang feature .

  11. 民族民俗文物陈列展览与游客心理探析

    The Display of National Folk Cultural Relics and the Tourist 's Psychology

  12. 安阳地区出土的间伯异墓志,以珍贵的民族历史文物透露出北朝晚期拓跋王朝与柔然民族结缘通好、相互孽乳的历史动态。

    The unearthed epitaph in Anyang with its precious cultural relic showed the historical trend that Tuoba Dynasty linked with Rouran nationality .

  13. 产品特点:选材独特,创意新奇,所用载体均为华夏民族历史遗存的文物及高仿品;

    Features : unique selection , creative novelty , all carriers are used in the history of the Chinese nation 's cultural relics and high imitation goods ;

  14. 本文对于如何健康有序地发展我国地方文庙,和以文庙为载体,更好地促进中华民族传统文化和文物考古事业的弘扬,有一定的借鉴意义。

    This article has some reference on how healthy and orderly development of our local Temple , and how to promote Chinese traditional culture and Cultural Relics and Archaeology to take Confucian Temple as center .

  15. 其二,从微观上,以中央民族大学民族博物馆为田野点,叙述出一个相对完整的有关民族文物的田野民族志。

    From the micro level , with the fieldwork in Museum of Ethnology in Minzu University of China , the conceptual development of cultural relics from ethnic groups in China are described as a relatively complete field ethnography .