
  • 网络residential culture
  1. 玉林高山村明清古民居文化初探

    On the Culture of Dwellings in the Gaoshan Village of Yulin

  2. 晋商望族常氏家族的民居文化

    Folk Residence Culture of the Celebrated Chang 's Family in Shanxi

  3. 山西传统民居文化的保护与继承

    Protection and inheritance of the culture of traditional residence in Shanxi

  4. 赖特的有机建筑哲学在纳西民居文化中的体现

    The Wright 's organic architectural philosophy extermination in Naxi civil house culture

  5. 宇宙意识是天水民居文化的组成部分。

    Cosmic consciousness is the constitute of the mentality culture of Tianshui conventional civilian residential housing .

  6. 中国传统民居文化博大精深,它是先辈们给我们留下的一笔珍贵的财富。

    Chinese traditional residence culture , it is profound predecessors have left us a precious wealth .

  7. 如何保护和传承这些地方民居文化,将变得越来越重要和急迫。

    How to protect residential areas and cultural heritage of these areas has become increasingly important and urgent .

  8. 广南县民族传统节日、民族服饰、民族民居文化概述

    A Brief Talk on the Culture of Minority Traditional Festival , Dress and Local Style Dwelling Houses in Guangnan County

  9. 这都是当代西部少数民族的民居文化所面临的重大课题,所以我们从理论上对它开展研究具有非常重要的现实意义!

    These questions are faced by the cottage culture in west-minority currently and study of them theoretically is of significance in reality .

  10. 天水民居文化中的宇宙意识,是现存天水古民居中独特的心态文化现象。

    The cosmic consciousness of Tianshui conventional civilian residential housing is an unique mentality cultural phenomena of extant Tianshui old residential housing .

  11. 家园精神之创造&东阳民居文化初探少数民族地区民居旅馆居住文化的保护与传承

    Creation of Home Spirit & A Probe into Folk Houses in Dongyang ; The Protection and Inheritance of Dwelling Culture of Development of Dwelling Inn in the Minority Areas

  12. 在现代化的进程中,要继承和发扬其优良成分,摒弃其落后的因素,注入现代建筑技术及文化因素,构建既有时代特点,又有民族风格的新的民居文化。

    In the course of modernization , fine elements should be inherited and explored while backward passivities should be given up in order to construct the new style residence culture .

  13. 它包括历史文物遗迹、姓氏宗族文化、方言文化、民居文化、饮食文化、服饰文化、民俗文化、民间文艺等。

    It consists of historical interests , family development , dialect culture , habitation culture , dinning culture , garment culture , folk custom , local culture and so on .

  14. 另外,我国西部地区地形地势复杂,气候类型多样,民族众多,有着丰富多彩的生土民居文化,这些都是需要继承和发扬的。

    In addition the rich and colorful earth culture that comes into being for changeful climates , various landforms and numerous nations in the west needed to be inherited and developed .

  15. 因此,在科学保护传统民居文化的前提下,通过推广节材民居类型,改良现有建筑结构,降低民用材和薪材消耗;

    On the premise of scientifically protecting traditional dwellings , it was concluded that forest resources consumption would be decreased through improving the structure of existing dwellings and promoting timber-saving ones .

  16. 传统的民居文化作为中国传统建筑文化的一部分,而装饰又是传统建筑中重要的一个部分,也是民众和传统建筑交流最多、最为直观的部分。

    While the vernacular architecture as a part of traditional Chinese architectural culture , decoration is an important part of traditional building , and also the most attractive and intuitive part .

  17. 最后通过实际案例深入分析其设计手段和原理,说明新地方主义室内设计在传统民居文化保护性设计的可行性。

    At last , by careful analysis of actual cases and principles of its design tools , this paper illustrates the interior design of new localism and cultural protection in the design of traditional houses Feasibility .

  18. 生殖崇拜意识是天水民居文化内涵的组成部分,是中国传统文化的生命观在天水古民居建筑中的无意识或有意识反映。

    The sense of Reproduction Worship is one of the components of people 's housing culture in Tianshui and it is also unconscious or conscious reflect of Chinese traditional life concept on ancient house in Tianshui .

  19. 桂林民俗文化旅游具有良好的资源发展基础。本文从民族节日、宗教文化、曲艺与戏剧民间文化、饮食文化与民居文化等五个方面对桂林的民俗文化旅游资源进行了深入的整理和总结;

    Guilin has a wonderful resource foundation to develop the folklore culture tourism , the thesis summarizes the folklore resources in Guilin , such as nationalities festivals , religious culture , folk arts , cooking culture and housing culture , etc.

  20. 徽州木雕艺术作为珍贵的古典民居文化遗产,它的产生与蓬勃发展受徽州浓厚的文化底蕴的熏陶,集美学价值、历史价值、社会价值于一体。

    As the precious classical cultural heritage of local-style dwelling houses , the production and flourishing development of wood carving art are immersed in strong cultural color of Huizhou , incorporating aesthetic value , historical value , and social value into an organic whole .

  21. 从传统民居看文化思想对建筑艺术的影响

    The Impact of Cultural Ideas on Architecture in Terms of Traditional Dwellings

  22. 彝族民居民俗文化研究

    Studies on Dwelling Houses and Folk-Custom Culture of Yi Nationality

  23. 客家民居建筑文化初探

    Initial Study on Hakka Folk Houses and Architecture Culture

  24. 弘扬民居传统文化创造特色时代住宅

    Highlight the traditional culture of vernacular dwellings , create distinguishing housing of the time

  25. 古村落民居的文化是建立在民居物质建筑基础上的精神属性总和的反映。

    Dwellings of historical village is the embodiment of the spirit of the local people .

  26. 缙云县古官道民居的文化价值研究

    Study of Culture Value of Civilian Residence of the Old Official Road in Jinyun County

  27. 中国传统民居建筑文化的自然观及其渊源

    Outlook on the nature and origins of the culture of traditional residential architecture in China

  28. 它从物质文化、制度文化、精神文化三个层面体现出了客家土楼民居的文化适应。

    It has embodied its acculturation from material cultural , system cultural , spiritual cultural 3 layers of surface .

  29. 银川平原地区新农村建设中的民居地域文化传承研究

    On Regional Culture Transmission and Inheritance of Residence in the Construction of New Countryside in Plain Area of Yinchuan

  30. 从过去发现未来,从未来发现过去&云南传统民居及其文化的研究与保护

    From past discovery future , from future discovery past & The study and protection on traditional residence and its culture of Yunnan