  • ability;capability;skill;energy
  • able;capable
  • can;be able to;be capable of

  • a surname
  • 才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。

  • 有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。

  • 胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。

  • 会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。

  • 应该:你不~这样说他。

  • 物理学名词,“能量”的简称:电~。热~。

  • 和睦:“(萧)何素不与曹参相~”。

  • 传说中的一种兽,似熊。

  • 古代称一种三足鳖。

  • 古同“耐”,受得住。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 能元皓

    Nai Yuanhao


(能力; 才干) ability; capability; skill:

  • 各尽所能

    each according to his ability;

  • 无能

    lacking in ability; incompetent;

  • 一专多能

    good at many things and expert in one


{物} (能量) energy; power:

  • 电能

    electric [electrical] energy;

  • 化学[原子]能

    chemical [atomic] energy;

  • 热能

    heat [thermal] energy; thermodynamic power;

  • 太阳能

    solar energy


(有能力的) able; capable:

  • 能人

    able person; man of large calibre


(能够) can; be able to; be capable of:

  • 病人仅能勉强坐起来。

    The patient was but poorly able to sit up.

  • 人们认为她完全能照顾自己。

    It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself.

  • 他好多了,能下床了。

    He's much better and can get up now.

  • 她一分钟能打70个字。

    She can type 70 words a minute.

  • 我干这个工作能行吗?

    Am I really fit for the job?

  1. 许多人深信维生素C能预防感冒。

    Many people swear by vitamin C 's ability to ward off colds .

  2. 他能做到扬人之长。

    He has the ability to bring out the best in others .

  3. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。

    Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures .

  4. 能劳驾为我们抽出获奖的票吗?

    Would you do the honours and draw the winning ticket ?

  5. 我能听见走廊上啪哒啪哒的脚步声。

    I could hear the pit-a-pat of feet in the corridor .

  6. 我说不准我们什么时候能到。

    I can 't say for certain when we 'll arrive .

  7. 我阅读了我能找到的养兔的全部资料。

    I 've read all the available literature on keeping rabbits .

  8. 这次如果获胜,便能进入决赛。

    The prize at stake is a place in the final .

  9. 这辆车发动不起来了——你能修理一下吗?

    The car won 't start ─ can you fix it ?

  10. 那时,佛朗哥希望战争能延续下去。

    At that point Franco was desirous of prolonging the war .

  11. 她借着烛光勉强能看见。

    She could just see by the light of the candle .

  12. 她很希望能弹钢琴。

    She 'd love to be able to play the piano .

  13. 你最多能出多少钱?

    What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay ?

  14. 你能不能为我们搞到些免费票?

    Can you work it so that we get free tickets ?

  15. 你能不能在5点钟前把这些给我复印好?

    Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock ?

  16. 你能帮我把这一屏幕打印出来吗?

    Can you do a printout of this screen for me ?

  17. 你能用很简单的言语把这再说一遍吗?

    Could you say that again in words of one syllable ?

  18. 你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?

    Can you give me an example of what you mean ?

  19. 几乎没有人能指望一辈子都干一个工作。

    Few people can count on having a job for life .

  20. 我们最终达成一项各方都能接受的协议。

    We have finally reached an agreement acceptable to all sides .

  21. 他讲的笑话大多数学生一点都没能领会。

    His jokes were completely lost on most of the students .

  22. 大家都吵闹着想知道他们能得到多少。

    Everyone was clamouring to know how much they would get .

  23. 开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。

    There is a snob value in driving the latest model .

  24. 我们存了足够的钱,能一次付清款项买下这所房子。

    We had saved enough money to buy the house outright .

  25. 你能帮我从干洗店取回我的套装吗?

    Can you pick up my suit from the cleaner 's ?

  26. 我们怎样才最能满足后代子孙的需要?

    How can we best serve the needs of future generations ?

  27. 我们齐心协力应该能把这事办妥。

    We ought to be able to manage it between us .

  28. 她觉得,托马斯能说服任何人相信任何事。

    Thomas , she sensed , could convince anyone of anything .

  29. 如果贮藏在密封的容器里,食物能保持比较久的时间。

    Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container .

  30. 她就是这么个人儿,能把这事见谁就告诉谁。

    It 's just like her to tell everyone about it .