
néng rén
  • Homo habilis;able person;able man;capable brains;wonder
能人 [néng rén]
  • [able person] 有才能的人

  • 能人辈出

能人[néng rén]
  1. 强中自有强中手,能人背后有能人。

    However strong you are , there 's always someone stronger . ; For every able person there is always one still abler .

  2. 能人背后有能人。

    For every able person there is always one still more able .

  3. 果然,不出一个月,四方贤士能人都纷纷前来求见齐桓公。

    As expected , within one month , many able and virtuous men from all places came one after another to see Huan Gong .

  4. 大多数游客来这儿是为了参观游乐场,这是在18世纪由著名园艺师“能人布朗”(CapabilityBrown)设计的。

    Most of the tourists come here to see the pleasure grounds , which were landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century .

  5. 在勒诺特设计的传统的图案式的园林中,像能人布朗(CapabilityBrown)这样的建筑师更倾向于一种新的,柔性的浪漫主义风格。

    In place of the patterned formality of Le N ? tre 's designs , architects such as Capability Brown preferred a new , softer romantic style that imitated rather than disciplined nature .

  6. 新发现物种标本中的手令一些科学家想起了此前已知最早的能人(Homohabilis)标本,而能人看来是最早开始制作工具的物种。

    The hands of the newly discovered specimens reminded some scientists of the earliest previously identified specimens of Homo habilis , who were apparently among the first toolmakers .

  7. 所有这些使得源泉种比其它南猿,甚至比能人(Homohabilis)更像现代人类,直到现在有人把源泉种视为最早的人类成员之一。

    All of which makes sediba more similar to modern humans than are other australopithecines - and more similar , even , than Homo habilis , until now seen as one of the earliest humans .

  8. 论实施能人治沙战略的必要性

    The Necessity to Implement the Strategy on Competent Person Combating Desertification

  9. 农村能人主政:基于领导理论的分析

    Country Able Person Being Leaders : Analysis Based on Leadership Theories

  10. 能人、富人,永远都是社会的焦点。

    Capable and wealthy people are always the focus of the society .

  11. 珠藏贝壳里,只待能人取。

    Many a pearl is still hidden in the oyster .

  12. 不过,那些能让企业起死回生的能人对于这种追求刺激的本能却能心领神会。

    A good corporate turnaround artist knows that adrenaline-seeking instinct .

  13. 我把公司的这位能人留下陪你们。

    I 'll leave you here with our top man .

  14. 但是,这些能人也认为&况且谁能不同意呢?

    But the wise men also say & and who could disagree ?

  15. 花岗岩山能人组所属亚利桑那州普雷斯科特。

    The Granite Mountain Hotshots based in Prescott , Arizona .

  16. 有一些古生物学家认为人种是单一的,即只有能人一种,其他人种都是能人的变异体。

    Some palaeontologists see a single , variable species called Homo habilis .

  17. 在能人手里,这计划实施起来一定很不错。

    The scheme will do well enough in good hands .

  18. 大使们都说他是该国首屈一指的大能人。

    Ambassadors report him the ablest man in the country .

  19. 它们是由力所不及的能人经营的。

    They were run by able men who were out of their depth .

  20. 看到一个例子早日能人为开幕图片。

    See the opening picture of an early Homo habilis for an example .

  21. 真正富有进取心的能人都骑起了自行车,参加铁人三项比赛。

    Real go-getters are cycling , entering triathlons and competing in Ironman competitions .

  22. 但是喜欢纽约的能人,这些人在电话里听着不错。

    But loves a hotshot New Yorker who sounds good on the phone .

  23. 我已经知道这个问题的答案:自己的惰性以及其他能人的存在。

    I know the answer to this already : laziness and other people .

  24. 看来漏洞存在于游戏续集的能人。

    It seems the vulnerability exists in the sequel of the hotshots game .

  25. 现在就要说到10个现实生活中最令人震惊的能人异士。

    here 's a list of 10 of the most amazing Real-Life Superheroes !

  26. 期待新一届的能人加入我们愉快的工作之中!

    I 'm long for the abler in next grade can join us !

  27. 中国农民分化中的经济能人群体

    Economic elite groupes in the differentiation among chinese peasents

  28. 这一19人的精锐团队被称为能人组。

    Nineteen members of an elite team called Hotshots .

  29. 看来这陈家个个都是能人。

    So we can see that the Chen family was full of talented people .

  30. 我看到也许是能人所不能去挽救生命的人。

    I see someone who can save a life that maybe nobody else could .