
  • 网络noh;noh drama;noh play
  1. 歌剧集成了中国的昆曲和日本的能剧,并以此来显示中日之间的友谊和互通往来。

    The opera combines both China 's Kunqu opera and Japan 's Noh drama to show friendship and exchanges between the two countries .

  2. 她使用的竹笛叫做筱笛,是艺妓的基本“工具”之一,多用在日本能剧和歌舞伎剧场音乐之中。

    It was a bamboo flute called a shinobue , much used in Noh and Kabuki theater music and part of the essential " kit " of the geisha .

  3. 歌舞伎是能剧的近亲,比能剧更新、更活泼。歌舞伎由全女性剧团开创,直到17世纪的一场公共道德清洗把女人排除到这个行业之外。

    Kabuki - Noh 's somewhat newer , livelier cousin - was pioneered by all-female troupes , until a 17th-century public-morals crackdown put them out of business .

  4. 具体分析了田中一光能剧招贴设计符号,是由能剧中的形象、方格、色彩、虚实组成了田中一光特有的设计符号。

    Specific analysis of theTanaka " Noh " poster design symbol , is by no in the image , grid , color , and form Tanaka unique design symbol .