
  • 网络High energy;protec
  1. Purify拥有几个独特的高级特性能高帮助您调试内存错误。

    Purify has several unique and advanced features to assist you in debugging memory errors .

  2. 尿中的Alb、IgG和β2-MG联合测定能高灵敏早期反映肾脏的损伤,且能区分是肾小球还是肾小管的损害,并与病情呈正相关。

    So , combined measurement of Alb , IgG and β 2-MG in urine could be useful to reflect the renal damage in early stage and distinguish between glomerular and tubular damage .

  3. 氧化锌(ZnO),一种新型Ⅱ&Ⅵ族半导体材料,具有禁带宽、激子束缚能高和近紫外光发射强等优点,在半导体器件等方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Zinc oxide ( ZnO ) is a new kind of ⅱ - ⅵ semiconductor materials with advantage of wide band gap , high exciton binding energy and strong emission of near ultraviolet area , thus it is widely applied for semiconductor devices .

  4. 结果表明HVS比DSBM代谢能高1.72MJ/kg,即HVS在肉鸡生产中的代谢能为11.55MJ/kg。

    The results indicated that ME in HVS was 1.72 MJ / kg higher than that in DSBM , or ME level in HVS was 11.55 MJ / kg .

  5. 结果此纯化方法所得细胞纯度可达到80%以上,形态学观察可见纯化细胞具有典型的DC特征,该细胞能高表达HLADR和S100分子。

    The antigens were analysed by SP immunocytochemical method . Results The purity of DC was up to over 80 % by MACS , the purified cells possessed typical DC morphological characters and DC expressed high levels of HLA DR and S 100 protein .

  6. 但纳米Ti02呈强极性,粒子表面能高,在水及有机介质中易团聚,使纳米Ti02有效作用面积下降,在实际应用中受到很大的限制。

    The usage of nano-TiO2 is limited by its strong polar , high surface free energy and easily agglomeration in water and organic solvents , which reduces the effective action area of nano-TiO2 .

  7. 氧化锌(ZnO)是一种重要的直接宽带隙化合物半导体材料,具有优良的压电、热电、光电特性,其禁带宽度为3.37eV,室温下激子束缚能高达60meV,远高于其它半导体材料。

    Zinc oxide ( ZnO ) is an important direct wide band gap ( 3.37eV ) semiconductor with interesting piezoelectric , optoelectronic , and pyroelectric properties . The exciton binding energy of ZnO at room temperature is 60 meV , much lager than those of other semiconductors .

  8. 可控停车器的制动能高分析

    The Analyse of Brake Energy Height of Controlled Stopper

  9. 两者都提供受过良好教育、能高质量工作的廉价劳动力。

    Both offer an educated workforce available at low cost for high-quality work .

  10. 在实验条件下能高收率地得到四种新化合物和两种目的化合物。

    Four new compounds and two target compounds were obtained in high yield at experiment conditions .

  11. 泄压储能高增压柴油机最佳运行研究

    An approach to the optimal operation of high supercharging diesel engines with pressure relieving and energy accumulating mechanism

  12. 通过对该装置的结构原理分析,该装置能高精度地实现钢丝绳在动、静状态下的张力自动平衡。

    Through the structure theory , the device can achieve high precision rope moving , Static tension in a state of self-balancing .

  13. 能高质量地完成项目各个方面(需求、设计等)的工作。

    A higher quality of work is performed for each aspect ( requirements , design , and so on ) of the project .

  14. 因此,在强噪声、高出格点率的恶劣条件下,该算法仍能高精度地复原目标的三维视觉信息。

    So , the algorithm is able to work well with high accuracy under very hard condition of heavy noise and high outlier rate .

  15. 与青海高原相比,广东沿海地区强闪电较多,光谱上激发能高的一次电离氧离子的跃迁谱线明显增多。

    Compared with that of Qinghai plateau , lightning in Guangdong coastal area is more intensive , and the lines from higher excitation potential of N ⅱ in these lightning spectra are easier observed .

  16. 海伦:冰岛有温泉?什么样子的?北岛是著名的温泉胜地,有些温泉能高高地喷向半空。

    Helen : Hot springs in Iceland ? What are they like ? The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs , some of which throw hot water high into the air .

  17. 由带压条件下的实验数据所建立和标定的化学动力学模型显示,轻质油较正常油成气的活化能高。

    The chemical kinetic models that are constructed and calibrated by the experimental data with high pressure suggest that the activation energy of light oil to gas is relatively higher than that of the normal oil .

  18. 纳米粒子作为催化剂具有表面凸凹不平、比表面积大、表面能高、晶内扩散通道短、表面催化活性位多等优点。

    Be used as catalyst , nano particles show many excellent qualities , such as roughness surface , high surface area , high surface energy , short diffusion channel in crystal and much more surface active sites .

  19. 为了解释这种现象,文中用蒙特卡罗的数值模拟方法给出了电子束在钽靶内的沉积能量分布:能量沉积呈现靶中心吸能高,两侧低,且关于中心基本对称的特点。

    In order to understand this , the energy deposit of electron beam along the depth of the target is given out by Monte-Carlo simulation , which is also symmetrical and higher in center , lower in sides .

  20. 在我那个时候,我们穿着背带裤,系着腰带和领结去高中,也把洋葱系在我的皮带上吃午饭。我们的裤子能高到我们的腋窝处。

    Back in my days , we wore suspenders and belts and jointing bow ties for high school , and tying onion on my belt too for lunch . Our trousers went all the way up to our armpits .

  21. 由于纳米粒子表面能高、易团聚而影响其优良特性,因此纳米催化剂在使用过程中保持良好的分散性是研究的关键。

    However , for their high surface energy , nano-particles are easy to agglomerate , which influence their wonderful characteristics . Therefore , the key to the research of nano-catalyst is keeping good dispersion in the courses of using .

  22. 北岛是著名的温泉胜地,有些温泉能高高地喷向半空。北部地区只能种植确实能抗冬季低温的品种。

    The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs , some of which throw hot water high into the air . In the northern area , it is necessary to plant varieties which are outstandingly resistant to low winter temperature .

  23. 因此在低能耗、窄带宽和不经过预处理的情况下也能高质量的再现二次音频。(4)实现声学参量阵需要一个完整的声信号处理系统,涉及到多门学科的知识。

    In the case of low power , narrowband and no preprocessing , the SSB method can reproduce high-fidelity audio too . ( 4 ) The acoustic parametric array can be realized by an audio signal processing system . The knowledge involves multidisciplinary sciences .

  24. 但一直努力着让更多的黑人西班牙裔和低收入家庭的学生进入高等数学领域,希望能改变高水平竞争者的人口池,使其不再那么排外。

    But efforts are in place to expose more black , Hispanic , and low-income students to advanced math , in the hope that the demographic pool of high-level contenders will eventually begin to shift and become less exclusive .

  25. 该LCD能显示高质量的动画图像。

    This LCD can display high-quality motion-picture images .

  26. 人工核酸酶是一类具有限制性内切酶的功能、能高效高选择性地催化水解DNA或RNA的断裂工具。

    Artificial nucleases are compounds that cleave nucleic acids and function as natural restriction enzymes with high activity and selectivity .

  27. 结论适当剂量SI有降低高甘油三酯及血浆脂蛋白[LP(a)]的作用,并能改善高脂所致体内异常的过氧化状态,提高机体的抗氧化能力。

    Conclusion Proper dose SI could decrease triglyceride and lipoprotein , better the abnormal peroxidation state and improve anti-oxidize level .

  28. 在VLSI技术中,sigmadelta调制技术是一种能实现高分辨率A/D转换器的优越方式。

    Sigma Delta modulation is a robust means of implanting the high-resolution Analog-to-Digital converters in a VLSI technology .

  29. 线栅PBS能实现高的对比度且能简化系统结构。

    A wire-grid PBS can achieve high contrast and can simplify the system construction .

  30. 载波相位测量是目前测量精度最高的测量方法,所以载波相位差分GPS同惯导组合能获得高精度的导航系统。

    Carrier phase measurement is a measuring method of the highest precision at present . So , GPS carrier phase measurement integrated with INS can get high precision navigation system .