
But the reserves of energy resources in Jiangsu are poor and away from the affluent areas .
The fossil energy resources in China have been proved coal reserves is more than 90 % , and coal resources ranks the world first , but per resources is only 79 % level of the world average reserves .
It is estimated that China has4000 billion tons of potential primary energy reservation .
Based on the analysis of the energy resources distribution and their development prospects , the serious energy shortage in future is pointed out by the method of energy balance between demand and supply .
The clean energy , small hydropower , is an indispensable part of strategy of sustainable development in China , due to its tremendous reserves and innocuousness to environment .
The risks of energy development are analyzed from three aspects , which are energy supply , including energy resource reserves , energy production efficiency , renewable energy development , energy diplo - macy and international energy trade ;
With the growth of global population and the development of production , more energy will be consumed . As the reserve of conventional energy is limited and non-renewable , how to develop the renewable energy reasonably has become a new topic for human in 21st century .
After the Iraq War in this year , the potential crisis in China 's energy security has been emerged . The situation is that the energy resources deposit is in short supply for meeting the domestic energy demand .