  • eyebrow;brow;the top margin of a page
  • 眼上额下的毛:~毛。~宇(两眉上面的地方)。~心。~目。~寿(长寿)。~睫。扬~吐气。

  • 书页上端的空白:书~。~批。


(眉毛) eyebrow; brow:

  • 浓眉大眼

    with big eyes and bushy eyebrows; heavy features


(书页上方的空白处) the top margin of a page:

  • 书眉

    top margin


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 眉寿

    Mei Shou

  1. 结果本组共32例,术后眉外侧平均上提8mm,鼻唇沟变浅,获随访的7例为术后3~24个月,除皱效果满意。

    Results This group has 32 cases , external eyebrow was averagely raised 8mm with dimple nasolabial sulcus . 7 cases were followed-up for 3 to 24 months , the results were satisfactory .

  2. 乔纳森瓦莱娜,业界名为JonBoy的纽约市有名的纹身艺术家,他在1月1日在Instagram上分享了一张贾斯丁右眉上方纹着“恩典”字样的照片。

    Jonathan Valena , a New York City-based celebrity tattoo artist known professionally as JonBoy , shared a photo on Instagram on 1 January of Bieber with the word " grace " tattooed above his right eyebrow .

  3. 她抬头望着,满脸困惑,双眉紧锁。

    She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face .

  4. 他扬起双眉装出一副惊奇的样子。

    He raised his eyebrows with an affectation of surprise .

  5. 她全神贯注,紧锁双眉。

    She frowned with concentration .

  6. 她迷惑地蹙着眉。

    She frowned in puzzlement .

  7. 他皱着眉,狐疑地看着她。

    He was looking at her with his eyebrows raised questioningly .

  8. 她皱起两道弯眉。

    A frown formed between her arched brows .

  9. 当他思考问题时,他双眉深锁。

    There was a deep frown on his face when he was pondering a problem .

  10. 她眉弯如月,非常好看。

    Her arched brows are like a quarter moon and very pretty .

  11. 费塞皱了一下眉后把头转开了。

    Facer frowned and turned his head away .

  12. 对于这一引喻,他双眉紧锁着。

    His brows clouded at the allusion .

  13. 当他们走得更近时,道森如往常一样皱着眉抬起了头,但当他看到艾米时,脸上出现了一个大大的笑容:“你好,艾米小姐。我看到今天你身边有一个小朋友。”

    When they got close enough , Dawson looked up with his usual frown , but when he saw it was Amy , a big smile changed his whole face as he said , " Hello , Miss Amy . I see you 've got a little friend with you today . "

  14. NPD集团的新调查发现,自从实行封锁以来,睫毛膏的销量相比去年上升了55%,眉妆产品销量飙升了78%——这可能是提供除毛和脱毛服务的美容院关门的结果。

    In new research by The NPD Group , it was found that since the start of lockdown , mascara sales are up 55 percent against the previous year , and eyebrow providing threading and waxing treatments .

  15. 方便勾画、修饰眉型,使柳眉更完美、更有型

    Easily shapes and embellishes the eyebrows for more attractive look .

  16. 骄傲在石头上刻下他的颦眉,爱情在花朵上献出她的投降

    Pride engraves his frowns in stones , love offers her surrender in flowers .

  17. 购买更多眼妆和眉妆产品

    Invest in more eye and brow products

  18. 眉似青山,眼如秋水

    Her eyebrows had the aspect of hills in spring , and her eyes -- reflections of an autumn stream .

  19. 于是,她学着西施的模样,故意按着胸口,紧锁双眉,想引起人们对她的注意。

    Therefore , she imitated Xi Shi by pressing her bosom and deliberately3 knitting her brows to attract people 's attention .

  20. 随着口罩成为新常态的一部分,眼妆和眉妆产品在封锁期间销量大增。

    As face coverings become part of the new ' normal ' , sales of eye and brow make-up have soared throughout lockdown .

  21. 由于人们现在经常戴口罩,购买效果更持久的睫毛膏和眉妆产品也许是个好主意。

    As we wear masks on a more regular basis now , it might be good to invest in a longer-lasting mascara and brow product .

  22. C罗铜像的两眼距离太近,挑眉嬉笑的表情更像是抛媚眼。

    It squashes his eyes close together , and the cheeky raised-eyebrow smile more resembles a leer .

  23. 调Q紫翠宝石激光与调Q掺钇铷石榴石激光联合治疗文眉疗效观察

    The Clinical Efficacy of Q-switched Alexandrite and Q-switched Nd : YAG Lasers in the Treatment of Eyebrow Tattoos

  24. 经眉弓眶上锁孔入路手术治疗前循环动脉瘤ARCH模型的研究与探讨

    Trans - superciliary arch supraorbital keyhole approach for microsurgical treatment of aneurysms in anterior circulation RESE ARCH ON ARCH MODEL

  25. 两眉中点上2cm处接地。

    The middle point of 2 eyebrows was grounded .

  26. 此次订货,我们建议你们使眉雌诨闫薄J盏礁没闫焙螅颐墙?/span>货物装上第一条可定到的船。

    We would suggest that for this particular order you let us have a D / D , on receipt of which we shall ship the goods on the first available steamer .

  27. 主页眉和页脚是根据IBM的公司网站标准定义的;当您使用Toot-O-Matic创建自己的教程时可能要更改这个区域。

    The masthead and footer were defined by IBM 's standards for corporate Web sites ; this is one of the areas you 'll probably want to change when you create your own tutorials with the Toot-O-Matic .

  28. 采用眶上锁孔入路,沿眉弓做切口,切口长度约5cm,骨窗范围长约3.5cm,宽2.5cm,弧形切开硬脑膜,在显微镜和神经内镜的辅助下完成手术。

    The operations was performed with 5 cm skin incision on the eyebrow , bone window ranged 3.5 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width , under microscope and endoscope .

  29. 上睑下垂眉部额肌筋膜瓣悬吊术效果观察

    Surgery on blepharoptosis by hanging frontalis muscle flap of the forehead

  30. 她哭了,眼泪把染眉油冲得到处都是。

    She 'd been crying and her Mascara was smeared everywhere .