
méi pī
  • notes and commentaries at the top of a page
眉批 [méi pī]
  • [notes and commentary at the top of a page] 在书眉或文稿上端写的批语或注解

眉批[méi pī]
  1. 他一向很讨厌那种在书上写眉批的习惯,但这些注解不同。

    He had always hated that writing-in habit , but these remarks were different .

  2. 他胡乱注了些眉批。

    He made notes anyhow in the margin .

  3. 她在书的页边上作眉批,写下自己的成功与失败。

    She wrote notes in the margin and kept a record of her successes and failures .

  4. 这种与数字打交道的职业毫无疑问从未淡出人们的记忆,而经济衰退确实在过去几年中让人们重新将焦点转移到金融管制上(译者注:求眉批)。

    While number crunching and bean counting has certainly not fallen out of style in recent memory , the economic fallout of the past few years has placed renewed focus on financial regulation .

  5. 再次,根据现存的《长生殿》的序跋、眉批以及部分文人的笔记、诗歌等文献记述,我们可以得知当时文人的接受情形。

    The third , according to the recording of the prefaces , head notes , and some scholars note , poetry and other literature accounts about " Palace of Eternal Youth ", we can know the reception conditions of the scholar at that time .

  6. 栏外注:参考注解,用较内文细小的字体排在书页白边上.栏外注相等于传统的中文直排本的眉批。

    Marginal note : Reference notes set in a smaller point size than the text and put in the margin . The use of marginal note is equivalent to the " head note " in traditional Chinese vertical style of setting text for book works .