
yá men
  • yamen, government office in feudal China;yamen,government office in old China
衙门 [yá mén]
  • [yamen,government office in old China] 旧时官吏办公的地方;官署

衙门[yá men]
  1. 衙门八字开,有理无钱莫进来。

    Although the yamen gate is open wide you still can 't go in if you don 't have the money .

  2. 他从前在衙门听差。

    He used to run errands in the yamen .

  3. 在父亲的衙门里,他的生活还带了一点奇幻的色彩。

    There had been something dreamlike about the life in his father 's yamen .

  4. 可是他的手还没来得及缩回,就被人当场抓住,扭送到衙门里去了。

    But before he could withdraw his hand , he was caught on the spot and handed over to the local yamen .

  5. 可是,正当他洋洋自得的时候,衙门差人到他家里,将他捉拿归案,判了罪,坐了牢。

    But just when he was immensely proud of himself , the bailiffs from the yamen ( government office ) came and arrested him . He was declared guilty and put in prison .

  6. 你可能已经愚弄了衙门,而我没有。

    You may have fooled the court , but not me .

  7. 我怎么没有在加利利的衙门见到你呢?

    Haven 't I seen you in the company of the galilean ?

  8. 中国古代官署衙门,既受封建礼教制度制约,也有衙门建筑功能上的要求,从而形成了严格的建筑形式和建筑规模。

    The ancient administrative offices formed the strict architectural system and scale .

  9. 衙门作风必须抛弃。

    The bureaucratic style of work must be dropped .

  10. 但是最早以前这可是一座衙门。

    But sometime earlier , it was a Yamen .

  11. 这项申请需要提交到相关的官署衙门审批。

    This application shall be submitted to relevant government offices for inspection and approval .

  12. 下榻与长春尹衙门。

    Yin Changchun stayed with the Yamen .

  13. 把孩子们都送走,杨先生上衙门。

    The children dispatched , Mr. Yang had to be taken to the magistrate 's office .

  14. 全国唯一保存完整的郡府级衙门,始建于元朝。

    The only one ancient county government saved so completely , which was built in Yuan dynasty .

  15. 这儿就是当年的北洋水师提督署,俗称水师衙门。

    This was the Northern Navy commander 's office , or commonly known as the Navy Yamen .

  16. 成都地铁2号线将军衙门站深基坑围护结构设计

    Deep foundation pit enclosure structure design of the General Yamen station on the second line of Chengdu subway

  17. 其次,这次北大的“偏激门”,突显了大学的衙门化。

    Besides , this " extreme gate " scandal in Beijing University has apparently shown the bureaucratization of universities .

  18. 巡抚的兵就把耶稣带进衙门,叫全营的兵都聚集在他那里。

    Then the governor 's soldiers took Jesus into the Praetorium and gathered the whole company of soldiers around him .

  19. 送到衙门,赶紧回来,拉二太太上东安市场或去看亲友。

    Then Xiangzi had to hurry back to take the No. 2 wife to Dongan Market or to pay some calls .

  20. 古代衙门建筑与司法之价值追求&考察中国传统司法的一个特别视角

    On Architecture of Ancient Local Yamen and Value Pursuit in Judicature : A Special Perspective to Research on Traditional Chinese Judicature

  21. 二衙门的最后时光:1945-1949年的青岛市商会研究

    The Last Time of the " Second Yamun ": A Study on the Qingdao Chamber of Commerce from 1945 to 1949

  22. 兵丁把耶稣带进衙门院里。叫齐了全营的兵。

    And the soldiers led him away into the hall , called Praetorium ; and they call together the whole band .

  23. 清初内务府及其与十三衙门的关系

    The Relationship between the Qing Imperial Household Department ( Neiwufu ) and the Thirteen Yamen at the Beginning of the Qing Dynasty

  24. 地方衙门贪官还要向老百姓征收田赋捐税,敛收财货,老百姓苦不堪言。

    Corrupt local government offices would also like people to the Land Tax levied taxes , close convergence goods , people suffer .

  25. 外务部由总理衙门改组而来。它继承了总理衙门时期外交专门化的成果并有所发展。

    The department of foreign affairs inherits the accomplishment achieves in the period of the department of premier , and develops it .

  26. 由于国际环境及清政府自身的实力不足等原因,总理衙门制定的这些政策存在一定的缺陷,并且对西方国家也作出了不同程度的让步。

    As the international environment and Qing government did not have enough strength , those policies had many defects and many concessions .

  27. 我们就住在衙门里面。我们姊妹住在一间楼房上,推开窗便是一个大坝子,种了些桑树。

    My sister and I had a room on the upper floor , looking out over a large garden with many mulberry trees .

  28. 可是,正当他洋洋自得的时候,衙门差人到他家里,将他捉拿归案。

    But just when he was immensely proud of himself , the bailiffs from the yamen ( government office ) came and arrested him .

  29. 第二部分对清乾隆时期喀喇沁右翼札萨克衙门蒙文档案所反映的人口和土地问题进行专题研究。

    Two part is about the monographic study to population and land problem of Kharatsin Right County written by Monglian Archives of Kharatsin Right County .

  30. 彼拉多又进了衙门、叫耶稣来、对他说、你是犹太人的王麽。

    Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again , and called Jesus , and said unto him , Art thou the King of the Jews ?