
  • 网络school type
  1. 如有不清楚学校类别,请向各校务处查询。

    Please check with your school administration for the correct School Type if in doubt .

  2. 学校类别涉及初中、高中。

    The school category involves the junior middle school , the high school .

  3. 学生内部不同年级、学校类别之间有差异。

    With the difference of school and grade , the students give different evaluation on teachers ' quality .

  4. 同时,学校类别及专业意愿在专业认同度及各维度的交互作用显著。

    Meanwhile , there is significant interaction in specialty identity degree and its dimensions between the variables of school category and specialty will .

  5. 初中学生群体可以从经济地域来划分,可以从城市乡村区域来划分,也可以从学校类别来划分。

    Junior middle school students from the economic groups can be divided into regions , from urban to rural areas division , can also be divided into categories from the school .

  6. 学校类别对教师的统计学科知识有显著影响,教龄对统计学的相关的背景知识有显著影响,高三教师的数据处理方面的知识优于其它年段的教师。

    School teachers of statistical categories have a significant effect of subject knowledge and teaching experience related to the statistical background have a significant effect , Middle School Teacher of the data processing knowledge better than other teachers in section .

  7. 制约因素分析结果表明:课堂教学能力在学校类别、年龄、学历、职称和教龄五个方面均呈现极其显著差异,在地区和性别方面无显著差异。

    Secondly , in terms of factors restricting classroom teaching ability , there exist highly significant differences relevant to school categories , ages , educational backgrounds , professional titles and teaching ages , and no significant ones relevant to regions and sexes .

  8. 进一步分析影响其专业成长因素发现,他们在年代、性别、学历提升方式、面临的问题、学校类别、教龄和身份等方面存在着一定的差异性。

    Further analysis shows that the factors influencing their professional growth , for example , the age , the gender , the way of promotion , problems facing the teachers , the school category teaching age and identities vary from teacher to teacher .

  9. 方法在西南云贵川渝4个省、直辖市,每省选择3所高校,学校类别分别为1所重点院校、1所地方院校、1所师范院校,共调查学生1000人。

    Methods A total of 1 000 undergraduates were chosen from Yunan , Guizhou , Sichuan and Chongqing . Three kinds of universities were chosen from each province , which consisted of a key university , a local university and a normal university .

  10. 研究发现:中学生厌学和学校类别、家庭情况有一定关联,厌学现象的不断出现和学习成绩的好坏不是必然相关的;不同性别、不同年级的中学生厌学有一定的差异。

    The study found : high school students weariness is related with school category , family situation . The Academic performance is good or bad is not the only reason of Weariness ; different gender , different grades high school students have a different weariness level .

  11. 第五部分考察了中小学教师敬业的总体特征及其在不同的背景变量(性别、工作年限、婚姻、教育程度、学校性质、学校类别)上的差异特征。

    Part Five analyzes the general characteristics of primary and secondary school teachers ' work engagement and those in different background variables .