
  • 网络school brand
  1. 事实上,几乎每一次我参加的面试都是由于人脉关系——我通过纯粹的决心,而非学校品牌,所获得的人脉关系。

    In fact , almost every interview I 've ever had was due to a connection — one that I 've gained through pure determination , not a school brand .

  2. 各大院校纷纷组建具有各自特色的球队,都希望通过CUBA联赛来打造学校品牌。

    Universities have formed teams with their respective characteristics , all hope that through the CUBA league to build school brand .

  3. CIS与职业学校品牌塑造初探&广西柳州市第一职业中等专业学校CIS运作浅析

    CIS and Vocational School Brand & Analysis of the Operation of CIS in Liuzhou No.1 Secondary Vocational School

  4. 从学校品牌塑造因素提出基于因素的策略,从当今学校品牌塑造过程中的三大问题介绍了顾客满意、ISO9000和成本效益分析三个策略。

    Three policies are presented : Customer Satisfaction , ISO9000 and Cost Effectiveness analysis . Brand competition is the focus of the competition among the vocational and technical colleges .

  5. 学校品牌建设重要性的认识已深入人心,学校体育文化成为学校品牌,经过CUBA的强有力宣传在大众中得到了充分的认可。

    The awareness of the importance of building brand has been firmly established . The school culture became school sports brand , and it has been fully recognized through CUBA strong publicity in the mass . 3 .

  6. 第二部门学校品牌塑造的必要性。

    Chapter Two is an overview of the school 's brand .

  7. 长沙外国语学校品牌经营战略研究

    The Study on the Brand Managing Strategy of Changsha Foreign Language School

  8. 新课程理念下的学校品牌建构

    On the Construction of School Brand Under the New Conception of the Curriculum

  9. 这些定位误区严重影响了学校品牌的成长和发展,为此,必须重视学校品牌战略定位工作。

    Those positional misunderstandings seriously influenced the growth and development of school brand .

  10. 学校品牌具有多方面的价值和效应。

    School brand has various values and effects .

  11. 论形象识别系统与学校品牌战略

    On Identity System and College Brand Strategy

  12. 学校品牌的视觉形象研究

    Studies on Visual Image for School Brand

  13. 其次,运用传播学理论研究中小学校品牌传播是基础教育发展的客观需求。

    Using the information system to study the elementary education brand promotion is an objective need .

  14. 学校品牌竞争的目标是社会满意最大化,品牌忠诚最大化。

    The targets of brand competition of school are maximization of social satisfaction and brand faithfulness .

  15. 学校品牌的塑造

    The Building of School Brand

  16. 这部门是本论文的重点。第五部门学校品牌塑造途径个案剖析。

    Chapter Five is the analysis of the examples of the paths to establish school 's brand .

  17. 学校品牌的经营包括学校品牌培育、学校品牌维护和学校品牌扩张。

    The operation of school brand includes school brand creation , school brand maintenance and school brand extension .

  18. 校园文化建设在促进全区教育质量的提高,在提升学校品牌形象的过程中起着积极的作用。

    The campus culture construction has played a positive role in improving teaching quality and upgrading school brand image .

  19. 本文旨在探索学校品牌和学校品牌视觉形象的理论构架以及实践方法。

    This thesis aims to seek theory frame and some practice ways for school brand and its visual image .

  20. 学校品牌实力的增强,加大了企业的支持力度,通过校企结合,走上了良性循环的道路。

    Brand strength increased corporate support , through school-enterprise integration , it embarked on a positive path . 5 .

  21. 以公共关系推进学校品牌建设&新建地方性本科院校的公关之路

    Building the University Brand with the Help of Public Relations & The Way of Public Relations at Local Newly-built Universities

  22. 学校品牌是一所学校在长期的教育实践过程中逐步形成并为公众认可、具有特定文化底蕴和识别符号的一种无形资产。

    School brand refers to the invisible resources with a given cultural foundation and recognizing symbols which are gradually-formed and publicly-accepted amid their education practice .

  23. 其次,对学校品牌的内涵及意义进行研究,认为学校品牌是一种文化现象。

    Next , conducting a research in the brand and the school brand and the significance , we conclude that school brand is one cultural phenomenon .

  24. 基础教育学校品牌传播与学校品牌危机的防范是一枚硬币的两面,共同塑造学校品牌形象。

    Prevention of basic education brand communication and brand of school crisis are two sides of the same coin , common to create a school brand image .

  25. 在学校品牌建设过程中应注重学校危机的防范,建立危机防范的预防机制、应对机制和恢复机制。

    In the development process of school brand , we should pay attention to prevent school crisis , and establish prevention mechanism , coping mechanism and recovery mechanism .

  26. 在高职院校发展过程中,运用大学形象识别系统加快学校品牌建设十分必要。

    During the development of higher vocational college , it is necessary to use University Identity System ( UIS ) to speed up the construction of the college brand .

  27. 在了解现状基础上,提出了初中学校品牌建设的文化策略,包括从识别系统着手,以文化引领的角度谈策略。

    In understanding , based on the status quo of the culture construction of junior middle school brand strategy , including the recognition system , from the Angle of culture guidance about strategy .

  28. 它表现为两种知识形态:显性知识和隐性知识,学校品牌理念识别系统就是在这两类知识相互作用和相互转换(社会化、外在化、组合化和内在化)的过程中形成的。

    Represented by explicit knowledge and intangible knowledge , this system comes into being amid the process of the two kinds of knowledge inter-acting and inter-transforming ( socialization , externalization , combination and intemalization ) .

  29. 从学校品牌角度出发,提升学校的办学质量可以通过切合实际的学校品牌定位、科学合理的学校品牌评价以及学校品牌创新来实施。

    Starting from the angle of school brand , school brand evaluation of school brand positioning , scientific and reasonable to enhance the quality of running a school through practical and school brand innovation to implement .

  30. 基础教育学校品牌建设是素质教育发展的需要,是基础教育均衡发展的需要,是基础教育发展到一定阶段的必然选择。

    Basic education school brand construction is the need of the development of quality education , is the need for balanced development of basic education , basic education development to a certain stage of the inevitable choice .