
  • 网络Regional Library;AADL
  1. 上海地区图书馆RSS应用调研及分析

    Research and Analysis on RSS Application of Libraries in Shanghai Area

  2. 从ILAS系统在我馆的应用看西部贫困地区图书馆专业人员素质

    Viewing the Specialist 's Quality of the Library in the Western Undeveloped Region through the Application of ILAS System in our Library

  3. 台湾地区图书馆馆藏发展政策实践研究

    A Study on the Collection Development Policies of Libraries in Taiwan

  4. 民族地区图书馆深化改革发展原则探讨

    A Discussion on the Deepening Reform of Libraries in Minority Regions

  5. 这个项目将建立一个地区图书馆系统。

    The programme will set up a regional library system .

  6. 经济不发达地区图书馆特色办馆模式初探

    On the Special Model of Libraries in Economic Backward Areas

  7. 论西部地区图书馆信息业的建设

    Discuss on the Information Industry Developments of Western Region Library

  8. 西部地区图书馆人员流失原因及对策浅析医院图书馆人员现状与素质培养

    Reasons and Countermeasures of Personnel Loss of Library in the Western Regions

  9. 武汉地区图书馆参考咨询服务的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of library reference services in Wuhan city

  10. 上海地区图书馆人力资源建设的现状与未来的发展

    Status and Development of Human Resources in Libraries of Shanghai

  11. 西部大开发与民族地区图书馆文献资源开发

    The Western Development and the Exploitation of Documents Resources at Regional Libraries

  12. 当前我国民族地区图书馆面临的机遇与挑战

    Libraries in Ethnic Minority Regions : Opportunities and challenges

  13. 关于民族地区图书馆的民族地方文献建设

    A Discussion on the Construction of Local National Documents at National Area Libraries

  14. 浅议贫困地区图书馆改革发展

    Discussion on the Reform and Development of the Libraries in the Distressed Areas

  15. 加强西部地区图书馆网络信息资源的开发与利用

    Strengthen the Development and Usage of Library Network Information Resources in West Region

  16. 对西北地区图书馆自动化建设和信息服务的思考

    Thinking About the Construction of Library Automation and Information Service in Northwest China

  17. 图书馆应用一卡通系统的策略研究&以大庆地区图书馆为例

    Strategies of one card system applications in Daqing libraries

  18. 民族地区图书馆在非物质文化遗产保护中的作用

    On the Role of Library in Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage in Ethnic Areas

  19. 鸡西地区图书馆信息资源共建共享方案设计

    On Building and Sharing Jointly for the Library Information Resources Database Among Jixi District

  20. 城市公共图书馆网络建设&发达国家和地区图书馆的经验及启示

    The Construction of Public Library Network & The Experience and Revelation of Overseas Libraries

  21. 试论民族地区图书馆核心竞争力的构建

    On the Construction of the Core Competitive Power of the Library in Ethical Region

  22. 台湾地区图书馆立法评析

    Analysis on Library Legislative Features of Taiwan District

  23. 和谐社会的构建与西部地区图书馆新发展

    The Establishment of Harmonious Society and the Latest Development of Libries in Western Regions

  24. 民族地区图书馆与地方非物质文化遗产的保护

    Libraries in the Ethnic Minority Areas and the Protection of Local Non-material Cultural Heritage

  25. 地区图书馆联盟发展研究

    Study on Local Area Library Consortium Development

  26. 旅游地区图书馆特色馆藏建设研究综述

    The Research Summary on the Construction of the Special Library Collection in the Tourist Region

  27. 长三角地区图书馆文献资源共建共享模式的构建

    Construction of the pattern of document resources co-construction and sharing in Yangtze River Delta Region

  28. 贫困地区图书馆知识援助及其途径探讨

    Discussion of Knowledge Assistance and Its Ways in the Poor Rural Area of Western China

  29. 贵州民族地区图书馆事业发展的制约因素及对策

    The Inhibiting Factors and Strategies of the Library Institution Development in the Ethnic Areas in Guizhou

  30. 迎接知识经济挑战发挥民族地区图书馆在素质教育中的作用

    To Meet the Challenge of Knowledge Economy and Fully Use Minority Area 's Libraries in Competence Education