
xué bù chē
  • walker ;baby walker
  1. Tradition为石质stackings希望学步车,中文在前面的山顺便,添加一块石头,他的石头,丰富的地标。

    Tradition wants the walker , en passant in front of a cairn , to add a stone , his stone , to enrich the landmark .

  2. 外展支具配合学步车治疗发育性髋关节脱位的疗效评价

    Effect of abducens orthosis combined with walker on developmental dysplasia of the hip

  3. 美国小儿科学院建议,婴儿学步车不得使用。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that baby walkers not be used .

  4. 我们的女儿不喜欢学步车。

    Our daughter didn 't like the walker .

  5. 他现在是否可以进学步车了?

    Now he can enter a walker ?

  6. 孩子使用学步车时,爸妈一定要在旁边看护,避免发生意外。

    Baby use a walker , the parents must be in the next care to avoid accidents .

  7. 但如果不是,认为这是:婴儿学步车不利于儿童步行迟早。

    But if it isn 't , consider this : Baby walkers do not help children walk sooner .

  8. 另外,在婴儿学步车中的儿童,也有可能在楼梯处摔倒,造成受伤甚至死亡。

    Children in baby walkers can also fall down the stairs , which could result in injury or death .

  9. 复杂的玩具,如儿童自行车、学步车、电脑学习机等,应有详细的使用方法及注意事项。

    Complex toys , such as children bicycles , walkers , computer learning machine should use , and detailed notes .

  10. 美国小儿科学院已经为所谓的销售婴儿学步车被禁止在美国销售。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics has called for the sale of baby walkers to be banned in the United States .

  11. 儿童在学步车中可坐、斜躺、振动、弹跳或用双脚四处移动。

    Children may use walkers to sit , recline , bounce , jump , and use their feet to move around .

  12. 我想,学步车可以用,但千万不要以后孩子真的可以在学步车里学会走路。

    I think the walker can be used , but do not really after the baby can learn to walk in a walker .

  13. 藉由为他量身打造的腿和学步车的帮助下,彭先生在中心里踏出他的第一步。

    He has been taking his first steps around the centre with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame .

  14. 其他叉,忽视了我们,是“可怕的挑战”的定义,提供了在竞争更加学步车机会。

    The other fork , ignored by us and defined as " fearful challenges ", offers much more chances for the walker in competition .

  15. 学步车玩具等二手儿童用品网上交易火爆第三届中国(义乌)玩具、儿童用品及礼品博览会信息交流的盛会产销融合的平台

    Learn to walk vehicle and so on secondhand children things sell well in the net The 3 ~ ( rd ) Yiwu toy fair achieves record results

  16. 总结一下,我觉得,孩子腿部比较有力,想要扶站的时候,自己想要迈步的时候,就可以用学步车了。

    Sum up , I think , a stronger leg baby , want to help stop the time when you want to move , you can use a walker .

  17. 作为您的小一开始以更加积极,避免使用学步车;婴儿可以走动,对自己,可以是一个危险的。

    As your little one begins to become more active , avoid using walkers ; babies that can move around on their own , can be a danger to themselves .

  18. 尽快看来,您的孩子已经受够他抓取会议,并正准备采取世界上都英尺,你可能会认为购买婴儿学步车。

    As soon as it appears that your child has had enough of his crawling sessions and is now ready to take the world on both feet , you may think of purchasing a baby walker .