
  • 网络Bachelor's Degree Certificate;degree-seeking students;Certificate of Bachelor Degree
  1. 英国《独立报》指出,造成这一趋势的部分原因是由于中国政府的推动,以及越来越高的教育标准和针对学士学位证的奖学金计划。

    The Independent noted that the trend is thought to be partly due to a drive by the Chinese government , as well as increasingly higher education standards and scholarship programs for degree-seeking students .

  2. 民航飞行员通常都有学士学位、飞行员资格证以及联邦航空管理局颁发的民航驾驶执照。

    Commercial pilots usually have a bachelor 's degree , an Airline Transport Pilot certification and a commercial pilot 's license from the Federal Aviation Administration .