
  • 网络family culture;clan culture
  1. 《白鹿原》&中国家族文化的现代标本

    The Novel Bai Lu Yuan : A Modern Sample of Chinese Clan Culture

  2. 中国家族文化形成的宗教审视

    Religious Examination of Chinese Clan Culture

  3. 壮族村落家族文化及其现代化

    Village and Family Culture of Zhuang Ethnic Group and its Modernization

  4. 它之所以存在和发展,正是对传统家族文化路径依赖的结果。

    Its development depends on the tradition of a family culture .

  5. 中国家族文化审美略论

    On the family culture 's appreciation of the beauty in China

  6. 江阴梧塍徐氏家族文化传统述论

    On the Cultural Traditions of Xu 's Family in Wucheng , Jiangyin

  7. 这突出表现在江南士绅的家族文化与治生策略方面。

    It imprint in the family traditions and the strategies for existence .

  8. 白族家族文化传统职能及其演化

    On the Traditional Functions of the Bai Family Culture and their Development

  9. 本文的架构也是力图通过家族文化及文学来解释地域文化特征的。

    The paper explains the region features by studying family culture and literature .

  10. 泉州村落家族文化在台湾

    Quanzhou Culture of Village and Family in Taiwan

  11. 清中叶钱塘梁氏家族文化代际传承研究

    Research on Liang Family Culture Heritage in Qiantang in the Middle of Qing Dynasty

  12. 论中国传统家族文化的当代价值

    On Contemporary Significance of Chinese Traditional Family culture

  13. 唐代河东柳氏家族文化述略

    Some Remarks on the Culture of Clan Liu in Hedong in the Tang Dynasty

  14. 鲁迅小说创作中的中国传统家族文化例说

    The Discussion about Cases of the Traditional Chinese Family Culture in Lu Xun 's Novels

  15. 论土家族文化遗产法律保护对象

    Protection Object of Tujia Minority Cultural Heritage

  16. 村落家族文化复兴对乡村政治发展的影响

    On the Influence of the Revival of Village Clan Culture on the Development of Village Politics

  17. 在这种展示之下,罗马社会特有的政治和家族文化得以彰显。

    At such pageantry , the unique Roman family and political culture could be manifested sufficiently .

  18. 母亲将知识与家族文化传授给后代,并因此获得社会认同。

    By transmitting knowledge and family culture to next generations , the mothers acquired social recognition .

  19. 另一方面他又对家族文化中的道德情感满怀眷恋之情。

    On the other hand , he 's also attached to the moral feelings of family culture .

  20. 由家族文化衍生出的儒家伦理和价值观,构成了中国占主导地位的传统文化。

    Confucian ethics and values which derived from the family culture constitute the dominant Chinese traditional culture .

  21. 以其族学教育为代表的深厚的家族文化对于我们今天仍然有着重要的启示。

    Its profound family culture characterized by family education is still an important inspiration to us today .

  22. 不过,因为家族文化传统的影响,儒家思想一直是王绩特别是他前期思想的主流,后来因为屡遭挫折,道家思想渐渐成为主宰。

    But due to the family influence , his first stage of thinking was dominated by Confucianism ;

  23. 家族文化是认识中国文化,了解中国社会的一个重要环节。

    Family culture is an important link of knowing Chinese culture and understanding the society of China .

  24. 突显表现于各种社会关系网络和仪礼特征之中的文化特色,并剖析高山苗家族文化的内容以及对现实的作用。

    Conspicuously displaying the culture characteristic in various kinds of the networks in social relationships and ceremonial characteristic ;

  25. 当然,家族文化和现代企业文化并不是对立的,而是可以互补的。

    Family culture and modem culture is , of course , not antagonistic , but can be complementary .

  26. 家族文化是中国古代文化存在的一种重要形式,河东柳氏在唐代形成了具有鲜明特征的家族文化。

    Family culture is an important aspect of ancient Chinese culture . Clan Liu formed a special family culture .

  27. 长久以来,人类学家对村落家族文化也有一定的关注,并取得了显著成果。

    For a long time , anthropologists pay attention to village and family culture , and achieved prominent result .

  28. 本文主要分四个部分来阐述现代文学中传统家族文化的没落与解构。

    This thesis strives to expound the declination and decomposition of the traditional family culture in Chinese modern literature .

  29. 六朝时期的世家大族各有其家风与家学,并由此造就了各自独特的家族文化。

    Aristocratic families has particular family culture in the Six Dynasties because of their different family customs and family literature .

  30. 天师道信仰对琅邪王氏家族文化影响较深,诸如书法、医药和文学等方面都有天师道影响的痕迹。

    The Langye Wang 's clan culture was influenced deeply by the faith , especially in penmanship and medicine study .