
  • 网络domestic servant;Housekeeper
  1. 通过访谈,从家政服务员服务对象(雇主)的角度来了解、分析家政服务员的职业素养状态及期待。

    Through interviews , we understand the housekeeper clients ( employers ) on the domestic flight attendant demands and expectations of professional accomplishment .

  2. 家政服务员性骚扰问题的职业特点非正规就业&家政服务员权益问题研究

    Non-regular Employment & Ponder and Suggestion of Rights and Interests Problem about Household Management Service Person

  3. 比如,想请人打扫房间的人可以在网上看到20个家政服务员的清单。

    People who want their house cleaned , for example , can look online at a list of twenty .

  4. 社区工作者,养老护理师,康复护理师,家政服务员,康乐服务员。

    Community workers , the old-age care division , the division of rehabilitation care , home attendants , recreation attendants .

  5. 例如,希望自己居家整洁的人,可以在线看到二十个家政服务员的网上列表。

    People who want their house cleaned , for example , can look online at a list of twenty housekeepers .

  6. 第二章分析家政服务员人身损害的存在类型,并解析现行法中针对家政服务员的赔偿制度。

    Chapter analysis of domestic service the existence of the type of personal injury , and to resolve the existing law against domestic workers compensation system .

  7. 本文围绕家政服务员的概况、社会支持状况,以及改善对策等主题从社会分层、社会资本、社会性别视角进行研究。

    The paper surrounds the general situation of family workers , condition of their social support , as well as themes such as improvement countermeasure in view of social stratification , social capital and gender .

  8. 作为一名家政服务员,我应该学会一些常见病的早期症状,比如感冒,流感,肠炎,胃炎,肺炎,脑出血,高血压,心脏病等等。

    As a domestic helper , I should learn some early symptoms about the common diseases , such as cold , flu , enteritis , gastritis , pneumonia , cerebral hemorrhage , hypertension , heart trouble and so on .

  9. 住家型农村外来女性家政服务员是农民工一个非常重要的职业群体,她们生活在城市居民的私生活领域,与雇主长期、频繁的零距离交往和博弈。

    Household type 's rural outside housekeeping waiters of women are a very important professional colony of peasant 's engineering , they in the field of the urbanite 's private life , with employer long-term , frequent zero distance associate and play chess life .

  10. 综观日前国内有关家政方面的研究,多集中在家政服务业经营的现状问题分析、家政服务业的法律制度、家政服务员的素质培训以及先进国家或地区的发展经验总结等方面。

    Because , throughout the current domestic relevant domestic research , more emphasis on domestic services management present situation analysis , the quality management of the maids , the legal system of domestic industry and the development of the advanced countries or regions experience summary and so on .