
  • 网络family socialization
  1. 加强家庭社会化的自觉性,拓宽社会化的内容,配合学校、社会进行心理调适,努力完善家庭教化功能。

    The family should strengthen its consciousness of socialization , widen the content of socialization , cooperate with the school and the society to conduct psychological adjustment , and try to perfect its educational functions .

  2. 离异家庭儿童社会化发展失衡及其对策分析

    Socialized Development Imbalance of Children in Divorced Family and its Countermeasures

  3. 单亲家庭儿童社会化中存在的问题及对策研究

    The Problem of Socialization of Children with Single-parent and Countermeasures

  4. 中国大学生的家庭政治社会化

    Family , politics and Society

  5. 最后是从实现农业家庭经营社会化、现代化和解决三农问题的角度,指出发展新型农村合作经济组织的重大意义。

    Last but not least , I 'd like to point out the theory value and the practical significance of New-Type AECO from the angle of realizing socialization and modernization of agricultural family management and of solution of the Three Agriculture Problems .

  6. 家庭是个体社会化的重要场所。

    The family is an important socialized place of individual .

  7. 家庭在青年社会化过程中所起作用区域间会议

    Interregional Meeting on the Role of the Family in the Socialization of Youth

  8. 家庭是个人社会化的场所,同时也负担着文化传承的功能。

    The family is the socialization of the individual sites , but also the burden of cultural heritage features .

  9. 家庭是人社会化的最初场所,它始终在影响人的社会化的形成。

    Family is initial place for the human 's socialization . It is affecting the formation of human 's socialization throughout one 's life .

  10. 家庭是儿童社会化最初的学习环境;学校则提供学童社会化的功能。

    The family is the initial learning environment for the socialization of children ; yet schools to provide the fuctions of socialization of children .

  11. 中国学前教育由家庭化向社会化的转变过程是中国学前教育由个体依自愿对学前儿童进行教育到依照国家颁布的教育法规,有组织、有目的、有计划地对儿童进行教育的演进历程。

    The process of China 's preschool education changing from domestication to socialization is the evolutional process from individual voluntary child 's education to organized , planned , purposeful child 's education according to national laws .

  12. 前者表现为文化传统、政治制度及经济体制的影响;后者表现为家庭出身、社会化过程、同辈群体、学校文化、社区文化等因素的影响。

    The former being the culture traditions , the political systems , and the economic system , and the later such as the family origin , teachers ' socialization , peer group , the school culture and the community culture .

  13. 在家庭这个儿童社会化的机构里,儿童通过学习各种行为规范,形成具有个体特征的世界观、人生观,这个过程中家庭的各种因素对儿童的影响是非常明显的。

    In the institution of the family socialization of children , children by learning a variety of behavior norms , to form a view of the world with individual characteristics , family life , and this process a variety of factors impact on children is obvious .

  14. 社会化是教育社会学研究的重要内容,学校教育和家庭教育是实现社会化的有效途径,对儿童社会化过程影响很大。

    School and family education are both valid approach to socialization .

  15. 家庭是一个人社会化最重要的因素。

    Family is the most important factor of socialization for a number of reasons .

  16. 家庭作为影响青少年社会化的重要因素和机构,它在人的成长过程中具有社会和学校无法替代的作用,特别在小学阶段的影响作用显得尤为突出。

    Family , as a socialized organization , plays an irreplaceable role in human growth , particularly in the period of elementary school .

  17. 在中日两国,手段性赡养均作为中介影响家庭凝聚力和护理社会化意识的关系。

    The means of support are family cohesion as a mediating influence the relationship of family cohesiveness and social care awareness in both countries .

  18. 家庭是人们接受社会化的最基本、最早的单位和场所,它是人生教育的第一课堂。

    The family is the most basic of social acceptance , the earliest units and places , it is the first classroom life education .

  19. 儿童社会化是儿童形成和发展社会性和个性的过程,家庭作为儿童接受社会化的最初场所,对其今后的社会性发展具有重要意义。

    Children 's socialization is the process in which children develop their sociality and individuality , and family as the first community is significant for future development of their sociality .

  20. 家庭文化对家庭成员的社会化功能

    On the Socialized Functions of Family Culture

  21. 成都市老龄化程度仅次于北京上海等大城市,由于人口结构的变化、家庭规模的缩小等,传统的家庭养老难以为继;社会化的机构养老由于资源有限,且成本高而无法大规模推广。

    Due to the change of the structure of population , narrow the family size , the traditional family endowment is unsustainable . Social institution endowment does not promotion because of the limited resources and high cost .

  22. 家庭作为社会最小的组织细胞,它负载着社会最基本的功能:实现家庭成员的社会化,使人的观念和态度社会化及内在化;

    As the society minimal " cell " of family , it load the most basic function of society : realizing the socialization of family member ;