
wèn tí jiā tínɡ
  • problem family
  1. 由于害怕被贴上“问题家庭”的标签,他们不敢联系社会福利机构。

    They are afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family

  2. 她不敢联系社会服务部门,以免被当作问题家庭。

    She is afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family .

  3. 戏剧舞台上的问题家庭:三部美国经典剧作研究

    Dysfunctional Family : A Study of Three Major American Plays

  4. 当我要求他们对公司内的人际关系进行评价时,88%的员工表示,他们来自一个问题家庭,人与人之间充满了未公开的矛盾。

    When I asked them to rate the quality of their relationships within the company , 88 % responded that they belonged in the dysfunctional family category , full of unacknowledged conflicts .

  5. 当我要求他们对公司内的人际关系进行评价时,88%的员工表示,他们来自一个“问题家庭”,人与人之间充满了未公开的矛盾。

    When I asked them to rate the quality of their relationships within the company , 88 % responded that they belonged in the " dysfunctional family " category , full of unacknowledged conflicts .

  6. 该部分主要对本文案例中的三个焦点问题家庭暴力的认定、举证责任的规定,建立婚内赔偿制度进行评析,提出了对本文典型案例的法律适用。

    The main part of the three cases of this focus the identification of domestic violence , the onus of proof to establish a critical analysis of marital compensation system proposed for this typical case of application of the law .

  7. 采用person相关分析对病例组儿童行为问题与家庭环境各因子进行相关分析。

    Person correlation analysis was used to analysis the correlation of behavior and family factors in TD children .

  8. 贝索斯给全体“亚马逊人”写这封邮件之前,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)将该集团描述为一个员工时常哭泣、同事间彼此竞相批评、员工面临的严重健康问题及家庭问题被忽视的工作场所。

    He wrote to all " Amazonians " after the New York Times described the group as a place where employees regularly weep , colleagues compete to criticise each other and serious health and family issues are ignored .

  9. 影响儿童行为问题的家庭环境因素

    A Study on Family Psyche Environment Factors for Child Behavior Problems

  10. 家庭问题与家庭社会工作的介入

    Problems Occurred in Families and Intervention of Social Work into It

  11. 这些问题给家庭、社会带来诸多影响。

    These problems bring many influence for family and society .

  12. 学龄儿童行为问题与家庭环境

    The behavior problem and family environment of school age child

  13. 跨种族婚姻能引起许多问题的家庭。

    Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family .

  14. 工作压力、金钱问题、家庭关系等等。

    Work stress , money problems , family relation , etc.

  15. 幼儿行为问题与家庭功能关系的调查

    Investigation on relationship between behavior problems in preschool children and family function

  16. 产业革命之后,养老问题从家庭走向社会。

    Industrial revolution , the pension problem from the family to society .

  17. 贵阳城区儿童少年行为问题与家庭背景研究

    The Study of Behavior Problem and Family Background of Children in Guiyang City

  18. 儿童行为问题与家庭环境的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis of Children Behavioral Problems and Family Environments

  19. 小学生行为问题与家庭教养方式的相关研究

    Researches on Pupils ' Behavior Problem and Family Education

  20. 佛山市幼儿行为问题与家庭环境的相关研究

    Child behavior problem and family environment in Foshan City

  21. 学习障碍儿童行为问题、家庭环境调查

    Study on the behaviors and family environments of school children with learning disorder

  22. 学校因素、自身因素和考试心理问题通过家庭因素对学业成绩产生间接效应;

    Test mental quality and family factors have direct functions on academic record ;

  23. 另一个问题是家庭生病,整天吵闹不停。

    Other problem is when family is sick , when family always fighting .

  24. 培智学校学生行为问题和家庭环境影响因素分析

    The behavior problems of mentally retarded students and the effect of family environment

  25. 少年儿童行为问题与家庭、学校因素关系

    Relationship between behavioral problems and family or school factors among children and adolescents

  26. 岳阳市学龄儿童行为问题与家庭环境因素的病例-对照研究

    Case-control study on Yueyang school-age children 's behavioral problems and family environment factors

  27. 当前初中学生所面临的问题及家庭教育的策略

    The Problems Junior Middle School Students Face at Present and Approaches of Family Education

  28. 中国的问题是家庭需求疲软。

    China 's problem is weak household demand .

  29. 如可行,为局部感染和某些喂养问题提供家庭治疗。

    If feasible , provide home treatment for local infections and some feeding problems .

  30. 中学生心理问题与家庭因素关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Psychological Problems in Middle School Students and Family Factors