
  • 网络troubled students;a problem student
  1. 论问题学生的成因与教育转化

    Reason of " problem students " and how to educate them

  2. 问题学生的自尊及其相关因素研究

    A Research on Problem Students ' Self-esteem and Its Related Factors

  3. 阳光依旧灿烂&一个心理问题学生的个案研究

    A Study on a Case of a Student With Psychological Problem

  4. 31名行为问题学生的人格与智力测评分析

    Personality and Intelligence of 31 Secondary School Students with Behavior Problems

  5. 对于这类问题学生是经常搞不清的。

    Students often make a mess of this type of question .

  6. 厌学问题学生的初步探析

    The Preliminary Research on Students with the Problem of School-Weariness

  7. 问题学生的形成及转化策略

    Forming and Transforming Tragedy to Inferior Students Vicissitude of Strategy

  8. 问题学生内隐自尊的初步研究

    A Research on Problem Students ' Implicit Self-esteem

  9. 高校问题学生原因分析及应对策略

    The Cause Analysis of Problem Students and Countermeasure

  10. 问题学生个案探析

    Analysis of Individual Example of Problem Student

  11. 工读学校学生心理健康水平不容乐观,在综合因子上总检出率为59.6%,但都是轻度或中度水平,无偏重和严重心理问题学生。

    The situation of psychological well-being level of Reform School students is not so optimistic ;

  12. 问题学生的教育和转化是高校教育工作者的重要职责。

    The education and transformation of problem students is an important duty of university educators .

  13. 存在情绪问题学生主观生活质量及学习成绩显著差于阴性学生。

    Subjective life quality and academic achievements were poorer among the students with emotional problems .

  14. 练习6老师很难抉择协助问题学生时究竟应付出到何种程度。

    The teacher found it hard to decide how far she should help her problem students .

  15. 学校中的荣誉和竞选总会隐性的将问题学生排除在外。

    The " problem students " are always excluded from the honor and campaign recessively in school .

  16. 但是,“问题学生”的教育和管理问题一直困扰着家长、学校和教师。

    However , how to educate and manage problem students has always been bothering their parents , their sc.

  17. 下面这些著作为教育者提供了一个有可能去帮助问题学生和年轻人的干预途径的典型。

    The works reviewed below offer educators a sampling of possible avenues for intervening to assist troubled children and youth .

  18. 高职院校心理健康学生与心理问题学生体育锻炼情况的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Situation of Physical Training of Students of Mental Health and Students with Mental Trouble in Higher Vocational Colleges

  19. “问题学生”的产生与家庭、学校、社会以及学生自身的生理个性特征有着密切的关系,而且大多是这些因素的综合体。

    The course of problem student is closely related to their families , schools , society and students ′ own physiological characteristics as well .

  20. 本研究在对国内外有关文献综述的基础上,首先界定了问题学生污名的概念并提出了问题学生污名的假设模型。

    Firstly , the concept of stigma for problem students was defined and a hypothetical model on stigma for problem students was proposed , based on literature review .

  21. 而近几年,随着社会的快速发展,社会诱惑力的增多,高中问题学生有较明显的增多趋势。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of society , the social attraction increases , high school " problem students " has the obvious increasing trend .

  22. 学校是孩子成长的第二个场所,也是最重要的场所,学校教育中存在的不足是产生问题学生的第二个原因。

    School children grow up to the second place , also the most important places in the school education is the lack of a " problem students " The second reason .

  23. 我们应正确分析厌学问题学生厌学的具体表现、产生的原因,从高校学生工作的角度研究大学生厌学问题的对策。

    We should analyze correctly the concrete performances and reasons of the problem students who are tired of studying , and research on the countermeasures against school-weariness problem from the angle of the college students .

  24. 社会风气、网络传媒的一些负面现象,也对青少年学生的品质和心理存在着影响,网络成瘾是问题学生的一个重要特征。

    Some low-level social media products , the young students have a negative impact on the physical and mental , the universal network , students of Internet Addiction is a " problem students " reasons .

  25. 面对问题学生,需要关注的不是眼前这个孤立的个体,而是某个环境中的个体,进而关涉到个体背后的某种环境或某几种环境的关联。

    Students face the problem of immediate concern is not the isolation of the individual , but an environment of the individual , and the individual to behind the environment or a certain kind of environment linkages .

  26. 笔者在普通高中任教14年,在历年的工作中接触大量的问题学生,这些学生与同龄学生相比,在学习、行为、心理、品德等方面存在突出的问题。

    As a14-year teacher , the author came across with a lot of problem students in teaching career . Compared with students at the same age , problem students have prominent troubles in their learning , behaving , mental and moral values .

  27. 其次采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,分别从公众视角和问题学生视角出发,了解了问题学生污名的现状和特点,并借助扎根理论提取了问题学生污名的核心类别。

    Secondly , using questionnaire and interview , status quo and characteristic of stigma for problem students were explored from the perspective of the public and problem students respectively , and core categories about stigma for problem students were drawn out in virtue of grounded theory .

  28. 结果两所学校女生的心理卫生状况均较差,问题学生检出率分别为15.45%和13.83%,以初一和初四多见而严重。

    Results The mental health state of students in the two school were all bad . Percentage of students with mental problems were 15.45 % and 13.83 % respectively in the two middle school , and it is even worse in the first grade and fourth grade .

  29. 许多有问题的学生不愿寻求帮助。

    Many students who have problems won 't ask for help .

  30. 拥挤的校园交通同时带来了严重的环境问题和学生安全隐患。

    Campus traffic congestion lead to environment pollution and security risks .