
sàn tóng
  • mydriasis
  1. 盐酸钩吻碱眼药水散瞳与调节麻痹作用的临床观察

    A clinical study on effects of gelsemium hydrochloride on mydriasis and cycloplegia

  2. 地塞米松联合散瞳治疗人工晶体术后瞳孔区渗出膜

    Dexamethasone Combined with Mydriasis Treating Exudative Lemma in Pupil after Artificial Lens Operation

  3. 目的探讨根据散瞳后的瞳孔中心调整切削区对波前引导的个体化准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)疗效的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the pupil center shift quantitatively after pupil dilation and to investigate its influence on the outcome of wavefront guided LASIK .

  4. 方法自1999年10月至2000年2月我院40例45只眼临床诊断为黄斑裂孔的患者在双眼散瞳后行OCT检查,并对图像进行测量和分析。

    Methods 45 eyes of 40 patients which were diagnosed macular hole clinically had the OCT done through a dilated pupil bilaterally from October 1999 to February 2000.All images were measured and analyzed .

  5. 方法采用角膜地形图对290只准备行LASIK手术的近视眼进行检查,同时采用散瞳检影法检查记录近视度数及散光并对两种方法所得数据进行比较分析。

    Methods Before LASIK , 290 eyes of myopia were measured using corneal topography and retinoscopy via dilated pupil for their refractive state , and then relevant parameters were collected and analyzed .

  6. 记录其性别、胎数(BC)、孕龄(GA)、出生体重(BW)、氧疗时间以及双眼充分散瞳后双目间接检眼镜检查所见的视网膜血管发育情况。

    Gender , birth count ( BC ), gestational age ( GA ), birth weight ( BW ), duration of oxygen therapy and vascularization development of posterior and peripheral retina examined by binocular indirect ophthalmoscope after mydriasis were recorded .

  7. 免散瞳数码照相机与标准35-mm立体彩色底片在诊断糖尿病性视网膜病变成像中的比较

    Screening for diabetic retinopathy using a digital nonmydriatic camera compared with standard 35-mm stereo colour transparencies

  8. 结果42例患者的84只眼中,散瞳直接检眼镜检查、脑脊液检查、视野检查、VEP和MRI检查的阳性检出率分别为36.9%、21.4%、71.4%、83.3%和100%。

    Results In 42 patients ( 84 eyes ), the positive detectable rate of examination of direct ophthalmoscope , CSF , visual field , VEP , and MRI was 36.9 % , 21.4 % , ( 71.4 % , and ) 83.3 % respectively .

  9. 方法对临床经视力、裂隙灯显微镜检查以及散瞳后检眼镜眼底检查、荧光素眼底血管造影检查诊断为先天性黄斑缺损的患者7例9只眼进行OCT以及彩色眼底照相检查,对比分析OCT图像特征。

    Methods Seven patients ( 9 eyes ) with congenital macular coloboma who had been examined by visual acuity determination , slit lamp examination , ophthalmoscope and fluorescein angiography received OCT scan and fundus color photography . The results were retrospectively analyzed .

  10. 常规行裂隙灯显微镜、三面镜眼底检查、OrbscanⅡ眼前段分析系统、眼压、A超、角膜测厚、电脑验光、散瞳检影、主观验光等检查。术后随访18个月以上。

    The examinations included slitlamp microscopy , fundus examination , Orbscan ⅱ corneal topography system , tonometry , pachymetry , cycloplegic and subjective refraction .

  11. 对于合并1.50D以下的散光患儿,散瞳验光可能更有助于确定柱镜的轴向。

    When the astigmatic degree < 1.50D , mydriatic optometry is of help to found the axis of cylindrical lens .

  12. 方法:40人77只正视眼及屈光不正眼,散瞳后用基于Tscherning原理的波阵面像差仪进行测量,记录高达6阶的波阵面像差Zernike系数和均方根值,并进行统计学分析。

    Methods : Forty of cases 77 emmetropic and ametropic eyes were measured with an aberrometer based on Tscherning 's principle with the pupils dilated . The Zernike coefficients and root mean square values of wavefront aberrations up to the 6th order were recorded and statistically analyzed .

  13. 目的观察角膜地形图仪与散瞳验光测得的散光差异。

    To evaluate differences on astigmatism in corneal topography and mydriatic optometry .

  14. 托吡卡胺和阿托品对儿童散瞳验光应用价值的对比研究

    Comparison of tropicamide and atropine for refraction test in children

  15. 明视、暗视及药物散瞳状态下的瞳孔位置

    Pupil location under scotopic , photopic and pharmacologically dilated conditions

  16. 眼底镜检查及散瞳药应用对早产儿的影响

    Effects of funduscopy manipulation and mydriatic administration on premature infants

  17. 老年性白内障术前散瞳时间的观察

    Observation of the Mydriasis time before Cataract Surgery for Senile

  18. 散瞳状态下立即充分矫正治疗儿童远视性弱视

    Complete correction of childhood hyperopic amblyopia under mydriatic conditions

  19. 青少年阿托品和复方托品酰胺散瞳验光效果临床观察

    Effects of atropine and compound tropicamide on mydriatic refractometry in juvenile with ametropia

  20. 1%硫酸阿托品散瞳剂误滴差错的分析与急救护理

    Analysis and Emergency Nursing of Slip up in 1 % Atropine Mydriatic Drop

  21. 结论散瞳后瞳孔中心普遍发生偏移,根据其偏移量在术中对切削区中心作相应调整可提高彗差的矫正效果。

    Conclusions Pupil center shift after dilation is common .

  22. 硫酸阿托品眼用凝胶用于儿童散瞳检影的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Atropine Sulfate Eye Gel Applied to Children in Cycloplegic Retinoscopy

  23. 如此一来,你不需要再检查眼睛前滴上散瞳药水了。

    With no need for eye drops that dilate your pupils for hours .

  24. 散瞳后高阶像差对矫正视力的影响

    The influence of higher order RMS on corrected vision after the pupil dilated

  25. 290只近视眼角膜地形图检查与散瞳检影验光检查的结果分析

    Analysis of corneal topography and retinoscopy via dilated pupil for 290 eyes of myopia

  26. 国产散瞳-睫状肌麻痹剂&复方托品酰胺的临床效果观察

    Clinical Observations on the Use of Tropicamide Compound

  27. 方法对眼外伤病例,进行常规眼部检查,对疑有周边眼底创伤者散瞳检查周边眼底。

    Methods Routine examination on the eye .

  28. 阿托品散瞳治疗儿童弱视35例体会

    Treatment of amblyopia by mydriasis with atropine

  29. 玻璃体切除术中连续缝线散瞳术的应用

    Pupillary dilatation with continuous suture during vitrectomy

  30. 目的利用免散瞳广角激光检眼镜(全景200检眼镜)获取眼图像,评价单独通过全景200眼底图像对视网膜脱离作出诊断的准确性。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of panoramic 200 scanning laser ophthalmoscope for retinal detachment .