
  • 网络rubato;diffusor
散板 [sǎn bǎn]
  • [fall apart] 〈方〉∶散架,分开

  • [free measure] 一种京剧板式。节奏自由,可据唱词内容自由发挥。如西皮散板、二黄散板

  1. 十几岁时,他就在地方俱乐部弹奏爵士与散板音乐,就是现-在一有机会他也会沉缅于音乐之中。

    In his teens he played jazz and ragtime in local clubs and even today is to be found indulging his passion whenever he gets the opportunity .

  2. 《悲歌》(又名《处世难》)在创作手法上,既采用散板节律,又成功地吸收了西洋音乐的因素,加上演奏时弓法的巧妙运用。

    His Song of Sadness , also known as In Difficulties , uses the scattered clapper rhythm , and also successfully adapts elements of Western music and applies a skillful bowing technique .

  3. 由静压箱、高效过滤器和散流板三部分组成。

    It consists of electrostatic box , efficient filter and flowing panel .

  4. 通过模拟计算和分析,对辐流洁净室内在高效过滤器的外面加装扇型散流孔板的必要性进行了研究,并得出高效过滤器设置在顶棚比设置在侧墙更合理。

    Through the simulative calculation and analysis , the necessity of fixing sector diffusion orifice panel outside HEPA in the vector flow clean room are analyzed , and so it is more suitable that arranging the high efficiency particular air filter on the roof than on the side wall .

  5. “散序”是第一部分,采用节奏自由的散板。

    The first part was the sanxu , which utilized a rhythm of free accented beats .

  6. 本文根据杨氏条纹调制的散斑,作黑白图象的假彩色编码,在编码中使用散斑调制板。

    In this paper , pseudocolor encoding of black and white images by speckle modulated technique is described .