
  1. 这个委员会对牢房拥挤问题表示担忧。

    The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells .

  2. 但是由于图规划尚未突破STRIP域问题表示及经典规划三大假设的强约束限制,所以它不能够表示、求解具有资源分配和细节信息获取的规划问题。

    So it could not express and solve planning problems which contains resources distribution and subtle information fetching .

  3. 该文论述了Ontology与问题表示的关系,探讨了问题检索模型,并在学习支持系统中应用。

    The relationship between Ontology and representation of knowledge is studied , a model for question searching is presented and applied in study performance support system .

  4. 地中海国家通过海运输送的非洲伤员越来越多,联合国难民事务高级专员UNHCR对伤员的治疗问题表示担忧。

    The UNHCR says it is concerned about the treatment of the growing number of Africans arriving by sea in Mediterranean countries .

  5. 但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。

    But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem .

  6. 能提出问题表示你对这份工作很有兴趣。

    Asking questions shows that you 're interested in the job .

  7. 据政府提供消息的人士说,很多国会议员对这个问题表示担忧。

    According to government sources many MPs are worried about this issue .

  8. 本文将问题表示为半马尔科夫决策过程。

    Furthermore , the problem is formulated as a semi-Markov decision process .

  9. 系统建模的误差包括问题表示误差、模型建立误差和问题求解误差。

    The errors include question expression error , modeling error and solution error .

  10. PRAPS:一个用于自动程序设计的问题表示系统

    PKAPS : A Problem representation System for Automatic Programming

  11. 他们点点头,对这个问题表示认可。

    They nodded and approved of the question .

  12. 问问题表示,你关心谈话的内容,而且你的思想就在交谈中。

    Ask questions to show that you care and that you are in the conversation .

  13. 首先,请允许我为您所经历的航运问题表示歉意。

    First , please allow me to apologize for the problem you experienced with your shipment .

  14. 响应时间问题表示用户指定问题阈值内的事务数量。

    Response-time problems indicates the number of transactions that fall under the user specified problems threshold .

  15. 优步公司已经预见到管理者的失误对于公司形象的损害,并就隐私问题表示关切。

    The company has also seen its image tarnished by executives'gaffes , and concerns about privacy .

  16. 我对面试中积极的氛围和您回答我的问题表示感谢。

    I appreciate the positive atmosphere of the interview and your helpful answers to my questions .

  17. 首先,我对经济学无法解释贫富差距问题表示了遗憾。

    First , I bemoaned the irrelevance of economics for having little to say about income inequality .

  18. 他们对有机会定期与财政大臣及其他政府要员讨论问题表示欢迎。

    They welcomed the opportunity to discuss issues with the chancellor and other senior government figures regularly .

  19. 1999年,美国对接种含硫柳汞成分的疫苗后人体暴露于汞的问题表示关注。

    In1999 , concerns were raised in the United States of America about exposure to mercury in vaccines .

  20. 虽然事务委员会整体支持立法建议,但部分委员对执法问题表示关注。

    While the panel supported the legislative proposal in general , some members expressed concern about the enforcement problems .

  21. 他说,“摇滚音乐与其说是一种音乐力量,倒不如说是对社会问题表示看法的一种方式。”

    " Rock music ", he says ," is really a soliological expression rather than a musical force . "

  22. 年,美国对免疫接种后暴露于汞的问题表示了关注。

    In1999 , concerns were raised in the United States of America regarding exposure to mercury following immunization with thiomersal-containing vaccines .

  23. 首先,我对我们的产品出现这样的问题表示非常遗憾,也非常关注。

    First , I appear such problem to mean to our product very sorry , also pay attention to very much .

  24. 在过去十多年的时间里,许多研究者在考虑到概念性水文模型参数的独特性之后对这一问题表示了关注。

    In the past decade , many researchers have expressed concerns regarding the uniqueness of parameter estimates for CHMs obtained through calibration .

  25. 教皇对现代社会中的问题表示担心。他再次谈到震惊教会的性丑闻事件。

    The pope expressed concerns about problems in modern society and once again addressed the sex scandal that has rocked the church .

  26. 309.一些工作组成员还对保持管理者独立于其所管理的对象问题表示关注。

    309 . Some members of the Working Party also expressed concern about maintaining the independence of regulators from those they regulated .

  27. 人们普遍认为专家认为中国必须推行但我对仅仅就能解决问题表示怀疑。遇到了怎样的挫折与坎坷。

    It is widely acknowledged that contributed to Experts argue that China must introduce But I doubt whether alone will solve the problem .

  28. 现在对上述问题表示忧虑的人,在20年前担心的可能是冷战和日本即将实现的经济霸权。

    The people who worry about these issues today would 20 years ago have worried about the coming economic hegemony of Japan and the cold war .

  29. 基于故障区域建立保护和故障设备之间关系的数学模型,将故障诊断问题表示为0-1整数规划问题。

    The mathematics model which reflects the relation between the relay and fault equipment is established , and fault diagnosis problem is converted to optimization problem .

  30. 大部分机构支持这个建议,但部分银行则对传递市场资料所涉及的业务竞争问题表示忧虑。

    While the majority of institutions were in favour of the proposal , some banks remained concerned about the competitive aspects of passing on market information .