
  • 网络Questionnaire system;Questionnaire statistical system
  1. 最佳营养增补学WEB问卷系统的设计与实现

    Subjoin for Optimum Nutrition WEB Questionnaire systems Design And Implementation

  2. 基于Struts与Hibernate构建调查问卷系统模板

    A Questionnaire System Template Based on Struts and Hibernate

  3. Internet/Intranet应用的普及和Web技术的发展,为Web问卷系统的实现提供了一个理想的平台,现介绍其设计与实现的方法。

    The rapid growth of Internet / Intranet usage and development of Web technologies , provides a ideal platform to construct web questionnaire systems . this paper provides a method of designing and implementing .

  4. 通用网络调查问卷系统技术研究与实现

    Researching & Development of General System of Surveying Online

  5. 基于Intranet/Internet的调查问卷系统的研究与开发

    An Investigation System Based on Intranet / Internet

  6. 作为实例本文将介绍这种数据变换系统在微机电话问卷系统中的应用。

    As an application , we describe its implementation in the microcomputer telephone inquiring system .

  7. 跳题逻辑也是问卷系统质量的重要坐标,有一些系统不支持。

    Jump title logic is an important quality of the system coordinates of the questionnaire , some systems do not support .

  8. 伴随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,健康调查问卷系统的信息化充分体现了它具有的广泛性、高效性、便捷性、保密性和低成本性等特点。

    With the rapid development of internet technology , the information technology of health survey questionnaire system fully reflects the characteristics of widespread , high efficiency , convenience , privacy , low-cost and so on .

  9. N层架构及其在网上问卷调查系统中的应用

    N Layers Architecture and its Application in the Questionnaire Survey System on the Net

  10. 基于J2EE开发的问卷调查系统

    Survey Application System Based on J2EE Framework

  11. 本文介绍了N层架构,以及N层架构在网上问卷调查系统中的应用。

    In this paper , N layers architecture is outlined , and how to realize N layers architecture in the questionnaire survey system on the net is described .

  12. 并建立了网上的问卷调查系统来收集研究数据,在SASEnterpriseMiner中对模型进行了验证与评价。

    An online survey system was set up to collect research data , and SAS Enterprise Miner was used to test and appraise these models .

  13. 并结合调查问卷和系统提供的数据,分析了在线学术交流的广度、频度、效果及「e-Learning大讲堂」成功的原因。

    Then combining the questionnaire and the data from the platform , the author discusses the scope , frequency and effect of online academic communication and also analyzes the reason why " e-Learning Forum " is succeed .

  14. 基于本体的网络调查问卷生成系统OntoSurvey

    OntoSurvey : A Kind of Questionnaire Generating System for Web Survey Based on Ontology

  15. 有效的神经网络问卷分析系统

    Question Paper Analysis System of Effective Neural Network

  16. 通用动态控制问卷处理系统设计

    General-purpose inquiry processing system with dynamic control

  17. 该问卷对系统的效率、影响力,友好度,可控性和可学习性给于总分和小分。

    It gives an overall score and sub-scores on efficiency , affect , helpfulness , control and learnability .

  18. 网络问卷调查系统正是网络发展的产物,也是企业获取市场信息、客户信息以及员工信息的重要、高效途径。

    Meanwhile , the Internet develops the net survey system , and it is also an efficient way of accessing to the customer information , employee information and others .

  19. 在本系列文章的学习过程中,您将构建一个简单的问卷调查系统,该系统提供了一系列问题,并收集对这些问题的回答,然后在这些回答的基础上提供统计分析。

    Throughout the series , you 'll build a simple survey system that provides a series of questions , collects the answers , and then provides statistical analysis on the answers .

  20. 方法对58例癔症患者应用患病行为问卷和系统家庭动力学自评表进行调查,并与38例正常人群的家庭动力学指标对照,并对相关因素进行相关回归分析。

    Methods 58 patients with hysteria were investigated using the Illness Behavior Questionnaire ( IBQ ) and the Family Dynamics Self-assess Questionnaire ( FDSQ ) and compared with 38 normal persons , correlative-regression analyses were conducted for relative factors .

  21. 其次,以广州市国税系统为例,阐述了广州市国税系统纳税服务发展状况,运用问卷调查系统对广州市纳税人进行了满意度调查,并对满意度调查结果进行了深入的分析。

    Secondly , with the Guangzhou city national tax system as an example , expounds the development situation of Guangzhou city national tax system tax service , using the questionnaire survey system for the satisfaction survey of Guangzhou City taxpayers , and to the satisfaction survey results are analyzed .

  22. 提出基于ACCESS的问卷调查统计系统的设计方案,并给出了数据库的设计和主要功能模块。

    This paper advances the design scheme of questionnaire statistical system based on ACCESS , and puts forward the design of the database and the main functional modules .

  23. 在对数据进行地区和性别分类后,对有效问卷建立编码系统,依据编码系统用SPSSforWindows11.0进行数据的录入、管理和分析。

    After sorting data according to area and sex , coding system was set up for valid questionnaire . According to the system of SPSS For Windows 11.0 , the data was recorded , run and analyzed .

  24. 提出了一个基于JSP技术的网上调查问卷自动生成系统的实现方案,介绍了系统总体需求分析与设计过程,并给出主要模块的设计及实现过程。

    This paper proposes a practical scheme implementing a questionnaire auto-generation software system based on JSP , introduces it 's outline needs analysis and design process . The process of design and implementation of it 's main modules are also given .

  25. 大型问卷调查统计系统的自动生成研究

    Automatic Generation of the Statistical Information System for the Large Scale Questionary Survey

  26. 基于ASP.NET实现网络问卷调查分析系统的动态生成

    The Automatic Generated Analysing System of Internet Q & A Based on ASP . NET

  27. 对上述三个过程的支持分别由问卷设计子系统、问卷收发子系统、问卷结果处理子系统实现。

    Support of these three processes by sub-questionnaire design , questionnaire transceiver subsystem , the questionnaire results processing subsystems .

  28. 方法采用问卷调查方式系统抽样调查湖南省临澧县居民150人,指数法综合评价。

    Methods 150 residents who had been live in Linli , Hunan by systematic sampling were interviewed by using questionnaire .

  29. 对课堂观察结果以及学生调查问卷进行了系统详细的分析和整理。最后解决了本研究你解决的两个研究问题。

    At last , author answer the two research questions in this study by system detailed analysis on the result of classroom observation and the data result of students ' questionnaire .

  30. 对问卷信息进行系统分析和研究,得出当前中学生中普遍存在的重智轻德倾向,并分析其危害。

    Carry on the system analysis and the research to the questionnaire information , obtain the tendency of heavy wisdom light ethics that exists generally in the current middle-school student and analyze its harm .